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  1. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by harvan View Post
    im going to tell u know idk why that person got banned but i was using the soul-trager all the time in bgs up until they suddenly removed it and i never got banned. know i use the brew pug and still no ban. and that forum thread no body is looking at the real point holinka is mixing his emotions with work and that is illegal. prepared killed him in ashran on beta and he was like i just killed a f***in dev lol.and i bet we have killed him plenty of times in bgs and wpvp
    the soul-trager was nerver removed because off boxers. YouTube/Google what players was doing with it in bg's.

  2. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by ebony View Post
    the soul-trager was nerver removed because off boxers. YouTube/Google what players was doing with it in bg's.
    i know it was bc of pple in rbg using the lag thing.

  3. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by harvan View Post
    and that forum thread no body is looking at the real point holinka is mixing his emotions with work and that is illegal. prepared killed him in ashran on beta and he was like i just killed a f***in dev lol.and i bet we have killed him plenty of times in bgs and wpvp
    People mix their emotions with work every day, there is nothing illegal about that. At most, it's unprofessional.

    There's a lot of speculation in your statement. I may disagree with Holinka and think he gets his multiboxing information from trolls, but you're making it sound like he's running around like some clichéd PvP basement-dweller, throwing hissies and declaring new rules like the King of Siam and the rest of Blizzard is just like "Ok, whatever." I very highly doubt that's the case and treating the situation like that by using Holinka and Prepared as the only scapegoats doesn't make it better.

    Changes have been made before that had at least a side-eye in our direction, admitted or not, {commas, castrandom, map pinging, BG Queueing, non-participation and win trading rules} so it's not like Holinka showed up and suddenly we went from some golden age where we were sacred cows to Blizzard right to the slaughter on his say-so.

    Blizzard's intolerance has grown proportional to multiboxing's sense of entitlement. I know people hate that argument, but there are multiboxers out there who do it to be godmode. They do it to be obnoxious and disruptive, they do it because Blizzard isn't going to do squat about it *waves an 8 year old blue post around like an invincibility shield* and if they do, who cares? Prepared may be the posterchild for anti-boxing sentiment, but you only need two accounts to be "just another example of *** multiboxers."

    We aren't caught in the crossfire of some personal grudge match between Holinka and Prepared. We've been throwing straws on the camel's back for as long as people have realized we were there.
    Blog : Herding Khats
    Team : Kina - Çroaker - Messkit - Lìfetaker - Wìdowmaker
    Newbie Guides : Multiboxing Vol. 1 - Multiboxing Vol. 2 - HotKeyNet - Jamba
    The Almighty Lax made a liar out of me, apparently I DO get prizes for it.
    *Commences Wielding the Banhammer like there's piñatas up in here and I'm Lady Thor*

    _ Forum search letting you down? Use the custom Google search _

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Fremantle, Western Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Ughmahedhurtz View Post
    That's gonna break PVE raids, right?
    I meant in regards to being an instanced PvP area. I'll edit for clarity.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Fremantle, Western Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Khatovar View Post
    People mix their emotions with work every day, there is nothing illegal about that. At most, it's unprofessional.

    There's a lot of speculation in your statement. I may disagree with Holinka and think he gets his multiboxing information from trolls, but you're making it sound like he's running around like some clichéd PvP basement-dweller, throwing hissies and declaring new rules like the King of Siam and the rest of Blizzard is just like "Ok, whatever." I very highly doubt that's the case and treating the situation like that by using Holinka and Prepared as the only scapegoats doesn't make it better.

    Changes have been made before that had at least a side-eye in our direction, admitted or not, {commas, castrandom, map pinging, BG Queueing, non-participation and win trading rules} so it's not like Holinka showed up and suddenly we went from some golden age where we were sacred cows to Blizzard right to the slaughter on his say-so.

    Snipped for lenght.

    I think that was very well said, and I would like to reiterate that point as well, Blizzard does run changes through a gauntlet of sorts before they make it live. Sometimes it's not a very difficult (or thought out one) as in /follow is used by bots...

    But at the end of the day, what we do can easily be construed as against the rules. Most of the loud voices on the forums are the people that cannot break 1300 in arenas with a full set of Prideful. They are the ones that feel belittled because they are not winning. They want to be the roflstomping, graveyard camping douchebags. But we take that away from them. Everyone know of you knows, that if we go against another group of equal numbers, we are at the disadvantage.

    We need to show that we are good for this game, and doing that will not be throwing out insults on the forums, spreading the flames, and acting with knee jerk responses. As a small community, we need to show that we are not all like the assholes in pug BG's berating new players, and partaking in asshattery.

    My $.02
    Last edited by Vociferate : 10-06-2014 at 06:57 PM Reason: grammmmmmar

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Royston, Barnsley, S.Yorks


    Quote Originally Posted by Mosg2 View Post
    Well, I canceled all 15 of my accounts and included a note with each one stating that it was due to the removal of autofollow from Ashran. I'm sure it will have next-to-zero impact, but I believe in voting with my wallet.

    Same here just canceled my 5 stating because of the removal of follow.

  7. #107


    I just wanna say this is a completely moronic change, and hurts only multiboxers. Any bot worth its salt is completely unaffected by /follow being removed in battleground and ashran, because they can programmatically follow someone by just clicking underneath them.

    This is a kick in shins to multiboxers, with a steel toed boot.

  8. #108


    Yea well the BG's are still flooded with bots removal of /follow really did a tiny dint in anything but a huge dint for us multiboxers I say they also did it as people would complain about us in bgs. I guess the only way to have fun is do arena but you gotta be fully geared to even do anything. Last exp I got full geared from doing dungeons guess I will have to do the same this exp.

    Its still not as fun as it was running around in bgs full geared and destroying people while helping the team out. I guess we dont help newbies out much since they removed follow anyway.

  9. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by Meathead View Post
    Yea well the BG's are still flooded with bots removal of /follow really did a tiny dint in anything but a huge dint for us multiboxers I say they also did it as people would complain about us in bgs. I guess the only way to have fun is do arena but you gotta be fully geared to even do anything. Last exp I got full geared from doing dungeons guess I will have to do the same this exp.

    Its still not as fun as it was running around in bgs full geared and destroying people while helping the team out. I guess we dont help newbies out much since they removed follow anyway.

    They probably had multiboxers in their crosshairs the entire time perhaps not realizing it.

    When players report, they usually go for something that looks out of the ordinary. Like 4+ toons following behind a single toon. So they report it. Blizzard investigates and can't know for certain if it's a player or a bot. So they just look at the 4+ on /follow and declare it the problem. It's the one thing they can do. They can't read your memory dump. They can't look at your process list to come to a determination. They can't even see if anything is periodically sniffing at their memory address.

    Unfortunately good bots don't use follow. An upside for Blizzard is that because they are so often so well designed, hardly anyone reports them if the person running it has any common sense.

    That is how we got where we are today. Multiboxers bear the brunt of the bot scare because they're a more obvious 'hack'.

  10. #110


    Quote Originally Posted by MadMilitia View Post
    They probably had multiboxers in their crosshairs the entire time perhaps not realizing it.

    When players report, they usually go for something that looks out of the ordinary. Like 4+ toons following behind a single toon. So they report it. Blizzard investigates and can't know for certain if it's a player or a bot. So they just look at the 4+ on /follow and declare it the problem. It's the one thing they can do. They can't read your memory dump. They can't look at your process list to come to a determination. They can't even see if anything is periodically sniffing at their memory address.

    Unfortunately good bots don't use follow. An upside for Blizzard is that because they are so often so well designed, hardly anyone reports them if the person running it has any common sense.

    That is how we got where we are today. Multiboxers bear the brunt of the bot scare because they're a more obvious 'hack'.
    They never once said it was to stop all "bots" they said it was to stop a few simple bots on follow or afk players. (they even said you should not be following in pvp.) That was more of less freeware. They understand we needed it but they can live without us being there, saying as always your not doing anything wrong but we don't support you and stuff like fun for the boxer true but not fun for the other player on the other side (this is probs just PR for devs would look silly if they started sticking up for us then it look like the $$$$$.). As of yet no boxer has got banned for going in bg's but one 10 boxer at this time players was getting banned for using av pemade or o-que getting round the 5 per group in bg's. so can not say for sure this was from that. noway to find out.

    Few months ago there was a blue post on the blizzard forums saying it does not sound like a bot but a mutiboxer this was after follow got axed.

    Am not saying blizzard are in the right or wrong removing follow but you need to look at out of the box from there point of view or the other players we upset everyday.

    They removed follow the same day they added the soul-trader back to ashran am sure the devs are not silly they know we use pets like this. But as always we start to make hell there then they remove it. i could not see many ten+ boxers trying to use that pet it would get Massey very fast five is evil with it. I could be wrong and infect they just massed up.
    Last edited by ebony : 10-12-2014 at 01:34 AM

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