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Thread: Teams for WoD

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  1. #1

    Default Teams for WoD

    Hey guys I was hoping to get a discussion started about WoD and potential teams we could see. I know it's too early to tell, but I'd like to start thinking/getting prepared.From what I heard about beta, Paladins are in a really good spot.

    As for me, I'll be (attempting to) ten man this Xpac.

    So I think my team will look like this.

    Now, I've taken out the priest I have leveled up. They have had attonement nerfed by 25%. So I'm not even sure if I want to mess with that. Also I heard Mages are doing really well in raid testing. Lastly I heard gear is just gear( so no more needing a holy set/prot set). So if I have Prot Paladin gear, when I go to holy, my gear will go to holy. So many options now!

    So I hope we can start a chat about what to roll for 5/10 man teams to get some ideas floating around!

    (For example: What is your plans for WoD)?
    Last edited by Paradoxel : 07-22-2014 at 12:56 PM

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    I'm not sure if your asking about pve or Pvp but I'm making a mixed team for pve content.

    i have just finished leveling them to 90 it's a blood dk, resto Druid, BM hunter, warlock and a shaman.
    the reason I chose these 5 is that they have very little gear overlaps and also all but the shaman have a battle Rez and he has reincarnate,
    i feel this will be useful when for hard boss fights and whatnot

    as for plans in WoD I'll be leveling however I feel is easiest (questing or instancing) then I'm going to get stuck into 5 man content
    what professions will you be leveling first and is it to benefit your teams gear or gold income?

  3. #3


    For profs, I'm not even sure. Waiting for more information about the Garrisons. Your team looks really solid! How does it play out? (I want a blood dk, but everyone goes prot paladins.)

    Im really trying to figure out what to do pve/pvp wise. Not sure if I'll PvP. Just want to try and tackle raids. Since my raid schedule will be whenever Im free.

    (heard ele shamans lost chain heal, so will have to see about them).

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    I haven't had much time to test the team out yet but I think it looks promising, I think I have the healing set up mostly, just feel like I need to tweak my dps rotations. I'm very new to a blood dk I think I like it so far, though I'm finding when I have been playing solo aoe threat is difficult but I could be doing something wrong so far

    (edit) I think my tank is just undergeared at the moment since my rotation is fine it seems
    Last edited by tundra622 : 07-24-2014 at 07:52 PM

  5. #5


    I'm not sure if I'm going to play it yet. I'm still miffed that the handful of dungeons we got at release in MoP was the handful I was stuck with for the entire expansion. While MoP was leagues better than Cata for me, and did keep me playing a bit longer, it's also the second expansion in a row where I closed up shop after a few months and didn't have any reason to go back until the pre-expansion patch. I didn't even use most of the free 7 days offers this time around.

    If I do decide to play, it'll be with the same team I've always had - Prot Pally, Ret Pally, Resto Sham, Enh Sham, Unholy DK. In MoP I made it a point to do all the outside content I could before I touched a dungeon and I think that helped keep me going longer. But I'm not on 3rd shift anymore, so I'm sure that's not going to happen this time. I'll probably have to roll a lowbie team to play when the high-level zones get too busy and I don't feel like burning through heroics.
    Blog : Herding Khats
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  6. #6


    I have been having a hard time deciding. I'm thinking a Tank ( prob will be my paly again ) Healer ( not sure which..maybe a disc priest this time ) And 3 Mages. I will keep an eye on the forums for how classes are doing in Beta.. and mostly when its closer to release, as things change so much.

    I have stuck with the paly and 4 shaman team since works! But this time i want to try somthing different. I might even do mixed ( sticking with 3 ranged DPS for now though ) SO mage..ele sham and hunter maybe. ( do not like warlock play much..for boxing anyway) It would be nice if they made Moonkins easier to box 8)
    Currently 5 Boxing 5 Protection Paladins on Whisperwind Alliance
    The Power of Five!!! ( short video )

  7. #7


    Currently playing with a DK-tank, Disc, Shaman, Hunter and a mage and it works very well.
    I tried every tank and decided that the dk is far the best for a pve-team.
    No healer needed in a hero until expansion

    For WoD Im leveling a new team to fit the new buffs. Disc will get a nerf and ele lost their healing tide totem.
    So i will switsch my healer to a druid and my shaman with a shadow.
    But I will miss the extra dmg from the healer

  8. #8
    Member luxlunae's Avatar
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    I'm predicting that druids will be very weak 5 man healers because of how they are positioning raid healing this xpac.

    Paradoxel I'm confused by your link, you don't have any healers. If they are two five man pve teams there should be healers, right? Ditto if its a ten man raid team.

  9. #9


    I need the versality buff and only druids can apply it.
    There are many changes to druids healer, so i tested it on beta and decided then to level one
    Maybe a hunter pet will get the buff too. must wait until prepatch is on ptr.

    i figured something out today.
    Every one can get Deathgrip as an item builded in your garnison It have 25 charges and 30sek cooldown.
    i guess most usefull for meele pvp-boxer

  10. #10


    Nothing makes me want to box in the next expac.. I cancelled my wod pre orders on 4 of 5 of my accounts.. if I do play it will be solo.. and even then I'm just not sure I will.. the game started to become less appealing for me after the end of Wrath... I guess 7 years is a long time to play one game.

    I am however enjoying 2 boxing Rift.. and follow works really well even underwater.. so looking forward to the next expansion... I would totally consider a 5 box.. but my 2 accounts have got loyalty to get the higher speed mount.. so would have to blow more creds on the new accounts to catch up.
    Last edited by Andreauk : 07-26-2014 at 05:19 PM

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