So sometimes you just want to have a beer, and relax. This is that build.

Main build,!WRTV!aYabbb

The only change between each character is the Mass Confusion slot. Set two with mass confusion, 1 with Hex - Jinx, and 1 with Pirahnas - Nado. On the nado class swap a passive out for Creeping death, and have all of these abilities cast whenever they are up.

Always cast Garg whenever it is up, if your kill speed is decent it has a 80-90% uptime due to Grave Injustice.
There are 3 different Voodoos that stack together, Slam Dance / Mana Regen / Health Regen, I have one set to cast whenever it is up and then these 3 combined with Fetish Army for Elites/Bosses. It basically doubles your DPS if not more and shreds/melts whatever you are fighting on the screen, it's bananas

Skip using the Dogs, they clutter up the screen and barely do any damage.

Spirit Walk is up most of the time, great for traveling around and getting out of sticky situations. Overall the damage is great and I can handle T3 quite well, with further gear T6 should definitely be doable, it scales very well and the Gargs/ Fetishes do a large amount of damage.

As I said initially it's a relaxing build and has a low amount of deaths.