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  1. #1

    Default Farming raid mounts w/ saved lockouts (Invincible, Mimirons,Al'Akir)

    Is anyone farming Invincible or Mimiron's Head using saved lockouts? With the strategy listed below, you get a lockout save of the desired raid before the last boss on an alt and then extend the raid lockout each week. Allowing you to farm the last boss for the mount, without having to do the entire raid each week.

    I havent tried this yet myself, but it is exactly the kind of thing I enjoy doing in wow. I would love to hear any personal experiences and advice on the matter. Firstly, does this still work? Secondly, what group composition could accomplish this in the smallest numbers to increase the number of weekly kills?

    From what I read, this works on Cata raids and up. Does not work on TBC or Vanilla.

    Strategy from mmo-champion and others...
    source thread

    1. Do 11/12 bosses normal mode (10 man or 25 does not matter) with your ALT. Now you have a save.
    2. Invite a friend and make him leader. Then log your main.
    3. Have your friend invite your main/soloer into the same group as your alt which is now OUTSIDE and OFFLINE of the raid, BUT in the same group!
    4. Set difficulty to 25 man OUTSIDE OF THE RAID, then go inside, you will see 11/12 bosses killed message, now set 25 man heroic INSIDE THE RAID
    5. Simply kill the boss and wish for good loot!
    6. NEXT WEEK, log your alt and EXTEND the 11/12 save that your alt has! Since it is a normal save, it WILL NOT BE AFFECTED when you kill the boss on HC.
    7. Again, invite a friend, and have that friend invite your main/soloer. And simply repeat step three and four.
    8. Keep doing this every week until the save expires (takes a few months) or until you have all loot you want.

    NOTE! Killing the last boss with a different char then the char that has the 11/12 NORMAL save will not automatically kill the boss for the save-holder. So you can simply use the same save for multiple chars. EXAMPLE:

    Character A has a 11/12 NORMAL save. Character A invites Friend X to the group. Friend X now invites Character B into the group. Character B kills the boss. Now Friend X, which is still in group with Character A, now invites Character C into the group. Character C kills the boss. Now Friend X invites Character D, and after that Character E and after that Character F. As long as Character A does not kill the boss, you can use his NORMAL save UNLIMITED TIMES and also set HEROIC and kill the boss on other characters then Character A.

    NOTE! The save HAS to be a normal save. If you get a 11/12 Heroic save, the boss will be dead for Character A if Character B kills it. But if the save is Normal, the boss will never be dead for Character A, regardless how many other chars that kill him on Heroic!

  2. #2


    Yep this still works and you are correct in that it works from LK raids and up.

    I have done Firelands for this whole expansion and have also got saves for Ultraxion and Deathwing.

    I had a save for Throne of the four winds also but just recently got that mount to drop.

    As for the saved toon setup i have all my lock-outs on one toon apart from a double lockout like Dragon Soul.

    I dont want to tell you my kill count for Alysrazor in Firelands lol, i just ticked over the 420 kills and still no mount.

    There is a few runs to do each week so its something to do iin the end of this xpac.

    Lich King Heroic can be soloed by a fair few classes now. Just check out youtube for class specific strats.

    As for Yogg i havent dont much of this at all so best to look at youtube but i have a 5 box hunter in guild that does it easy each week i think he has his pets do most of it while his toons face away from yogg so insanity dosent stack on them.

    Throne of the four winds boss is pretty simple but to make the air phase easier id take a few DPS in each kill , pop cooldowns and just go nuts.

    Firelands - Alysrazor takes i think 200k dps to kill which is not too bad for a geared player, just dont go too far away from the boss in the air phase or he resets. Remember to go through every fire ring in the air to get the haste buff + you need it to stay flying.

    - Ragnoros : Im not sure how many can do this i bring in 4 ele shaman and a guildy on his lock also comes in.

    Dragon Soul - Ulraxion : Just spank him blow all cooldowns at the start and go nuts, with the 4 ele and lock combo hes dead before hero ends.

    Deathwing : 4 ele and lock in there also , quite an easy fight at 90 we just save cooldowns for the last phase and the totems heal us enough to stay alive .

    i think thats all i do each week.

    Im sitting on 233 mounts at the moment but they are getting harder to come by now lol . I also do the world bosses on 12 toons with an alliance raid once a week and was lucky enough to get Sha's mount the other day.

  3. #3


    with so many mounts, this macro might be something fun for a multiboxer: it summons random mounts depending if you are in a no fly zone (bg, arena, silvermoon, timless isle, etc) or a flying zone:

    /run if not IsMounted() then local m,t,f="mount",{{},{}} for i=2,GetNumCompanions(m) do tinsert(t[,select(6,GetCompanionInfo(m,i)))==0 and 1 or 2],i) end f=IsFlyableArea() and 2 or 1 CallCompanion(m,t[f][random(#t[f])]) else Dismount() end
    Everything that is fun in life is either bad for your health, immoral or illegal!

  4. #4


    Syferr, thanks for the detailed post.

    I tested this technique and it works really well. So far, no luck with the mount drops in Ulduar or ICC, but I was able to snag the Onyxia mount.

  5. #5


    Nice one on the Onny mount, one of my favourites that thing. After 431 kills across my accounts the Flametalon mount finally dropped last night on the last run for the week !!!!

  6. #6


    My wife and I do this for LK, Yogg, Rag, and Deathwing. We did it for Ultraxion, and Alyzrazor as well, but the mounts dropped - so we don't do those anymore. I think we could probably get in 3 or 4 kills per week if we wanted. It REALLY saves time. When we first started running raids for mounts it took us nearly all day, now to kill those bosses once only takes about 45 minutes.

    Team wise, I usually run 4x hunters to her 2x toons. We'll two man stuff with our mains, and split my hunters with her team.
    Last edited by Xixillia : 05-02-2014 at 01:58 PM

  7. #7


    How easy is Yogg +0 now? Soloable?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Multibocks View Post
    How easy is Yogg +0 now? Soloable?
    Not easily, the first two phases aren't bad, once you get to 25 sanity malady stops bothering you. The major issue is that the adds in p3 bit pretty hard, as a 570 dk I've been below 50% a couple times because the adds get buffed hard. I know that blood Dk's, prot pallies, and hunters can solo, not sure how hard it is as a hunter or pally.

  9. #9


    sorry if i'm resurrecting this thread inappropriately or anything; it's my first post on this forum. D:

    i'm wondering if there is a way to save a lockout that enables me to kill from ultraxion to deathwing (last 4 bosses) on heroic mode to get chances at both blazing drake and life-binder's handmaiden.

    i tried clearing bosses 1-4 on heroic; no dice, because i guess the heroic lockout has a unique ID, so even if the lockout-saving alt isn't present for bosses 4-8, they're marked as dead the following week upon extending the lockout.

    then i tried clearing bosses 1-4 on normal, then extending, going in, and switching to heroic on my main, which seemed to work at first. but when i got to spine, i got a message that basically said, "you cannot engage this encounter on heroic unless you have killed the previous 5 bosses on heroic as well," and i got the same message with deathwing after i tried switching it back to heroic after killing spine on normal.

    sorry if this post is confusing; the tl;dr version is: can i save a lockout to madness of deathwing on heroic? i would prefer being able to kill ultraxion through madness all on heroic, so as not to have to set up to separate lockouts.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by slumber View Post
    sorry if i'm resurrecting this thread inappropriately or anything; it's my first post on this forum. D:

    i'm wondering if there is a way to save a lockout that enables me to kill from ultraxion to deathwing (last 4 bosses) on heroic mode to get chances at both blazing drake and life-binder's handmaiden.

    i tried clearing bosses 1-4 on heroic; no dice, because i guess the heroic lockout has a unique ID, so even if the lockout-saving alt isn't present for bosses 4-8, they're marked as dead the following week upon extending the lockout.

    then i tried clearing bosses 1-4 on normal, then extending, going in, and switching to heroic on my main, which seemed to work at first. but when i got to spine, i got a message that basically said, "you cannot engage this encounter on heroic unless you have killed the previous 5 bosses on heroic as well," and i got the same message with deathwing after i tried switching it back to heroic after killing spine on normal.

    sorry if this post is confusing; the tl;dr version is: can i save a lockout to madness of deathwing on heroic? i would prefer being able to kill ultraxion through madness all on heroic, so as not to have to set up to separate lockouts.
    i think the way we did it was to kill the first x number of bosses on the highest level of difficulty that you can do, (10 or 25 hm) while having an alt of proper level in the instance. Then the next week, extend the raid with the alt, run in before inviting set to heroic inside the instance and then invite people. Once the first toon enters the instance have the alt drop group. It has been a few months but I'm pretty sure that that should work. Don't accept the save to normal mode, if you accept the save to normal mode when you run the alt in, that royally messes up the lockouts just run in and set to heroic.

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