This guys youtube page has helped sell me on Wildstar. I already knew i liked the game from playing in the last two beta weekends, but the game has so much to it that it can be overwhelming! His videos cleared a lot of things up for me AND got me even more excited for the games release! For example, in most MMOs that have housing.. it can be kind of "bla" to me.. EQ2s was the best for me.. it was very useful. But this game is taking Housing to a whole other level.. and rather than try to explain it.. its a good place to start, even if you think you don't care about housing.. im willing to bet you will like what Wildstar is doing with it!


His page

This game is boxable BTW.. I dont think it will be easy to box dungeons..but there will be the same benefits to boxing world PvE ( maybe even PvP )..even if its just to get rich or support a main toon raider.. if you watch his videos, you can imagine why. For example.. having 5+ toons with houses. Even solo players will have incentive to create alts just so they can have access to more shit you can put on a housing plot. ( he is not a boxer btw )