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  1. #1

    Default Things the new guy should know

    I'm just starting out, going to attempt vg incursions. I have 10 dudes in training (8 dmg 2 logi), plus a booster alt. Will be using isboxer, 2 monitors. I've had 10 clients open at once and have a laptop to run the booster. I've boxed 6 accounts manually, running c5 site fully cap escalated so I feel this should be doable. I've also checked out videos/forums on multi-boxing but there seems to be a drop-off in people providing info once they get space-rich. If anyone would care to offer tips/tricks, and helpful info I'd be very thankful. (I haven't purchased isboxer yet, might be a friend code in there for you) P.S. this forum is weird and I hope this doesn't display as a wall of text.

  2. #2


    UP FRONT: I haven't boxed incursions, but if I did this is what I'd do: run them solo first in a regular fleet. Learn the triggers and mechanics and look at which are easiest for you to box (I know some you need to hack shit and do extra stuff). Do your own research and don't trust someone else to tell you how to potentially whelp your entire fleet. When you are ready to try them out on your own get a friend to support you in his own logi or two while you get past the initial boxing shock of the process. Once you can tell him to back off and you can rep yourself and finish you are now solo boxing incursions. Profit.
    I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A bird will fall frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.

  3. #3


    Thanks for the info Morganti, I've already run thru some vg sites with another char as part of a public fleet, and have the basics and triggers ect down. Don't have any eve friends left, everyone has moved on in the ten years I've been playing. Sounds like I'll keep researching till I hit the minimum required sp to get started with basic gear (soon).

  4. #4


    Just got ISBoxer up and running, and ran around a little getting things set-up.
    So far, OMG this is awesome.
    Training continues, but, I'm going to fit up a couple cruisers/bc while I wait, and find some content.
    Can't wait till they hit incursion running skill levels.
    Will update...
    P.S. Any tips, advise or hints would be greatly appreciated.

  5. #5


    When I saw this thread I was tempted to to post immediately, but I decided to simmer on it a bit before posting. Cooking's done, here I am

    Most people aren't helpful vis a vis Eve on the forums because any information you offer is literally helping the competition. Ultimately, any secret tech that is given out could be used against the person providing it. Not only that, the vast majority of people who would be helped by the information will not evolve that tech by offering changes and tweaks they made to improve it. So, people aren't very helpful here due to their self-preservation drive and the knowledge that they will gain virtually nothing from their efforts.

    All of that having been said, I'm working on an in-depth video guide to my ISBoxer layout and in-game UI while running twenty characters 'soloing' C4 and C5 wormhole anomalies.

    If you can manually run 6 toons doing cap escalations I've no doubt you could do Vanguard sites using ISBoxer. Are you using Guardians or Basilisks for your logi? Nestors perhaps? I don't know how space-rich you are. What ships are you planning on using for DPS? I can provide ISBoxer help once I'm pointed in the general direction of what you're trying to accomplish
    "Tact is for those that lack the wit for sarcasm."

  6. #6


    My basic starter plan is 8 abaddons and 2 guardians, with a booster alt running 7 links. (mostly due to eft warrioring and skill reqs., cost vs reward ect.)
    After I get the skills up, will probly switch to nightmares and basi's, or maybe even a straight 10 man paladin team.
    Until then though, bc and large guns mean an easy 6k dps on structures, so maybe some wardec fun.

    Thanks for the info Mosg2, I understand no one wanting to give up to much info on their setups, was actually just looking to avoid some rookie ISBoxer mistakes, and save some time.

  7. #7


    1 week from downloading IS Boxer and I'm sold. Just signed up for a year.

    Still looking for any tips people might want to send my way.

    Thinking of biting the bullet and dual training a set of 8 bomber pilots for lolz.

  8. #8


    Well, my video has been delayed for a few weeks unfortunately due to RL commitments. I'll describe briefly my thoughts and then you can respond from there

    Incursions can be great cash. What I don't like about them is that until you can fit 9 blinged Nightmares, Machariels, Vindicators etc you will likely lose every contest you have. I don't know what your play-time is like, but this is a non-negligible risk to your profitability. Also, the training time for a competitive fleet is pretty significant.

    All that being said, I far prefer C4 and C5 Wormhole anomalies. I can clear a C4 sites in about 2-3 minutes--Granted, I have to drop a MTU and do 5-6 sites before coming back to salvage (2-4 minutes again per site). When the static has been stripped of anomalies, I just roll the hole and repeat. Living (until recently) in a C4 means there's no risk of a capital being dropped on you, and with 10 toons you're at least a match for any cruiser fleet that wants to tangle.

    The funny part is, C5 sites go faster than C4 sites because more of the targets are battleships and so the applied DPS of 90 Garde IIs goes through the roof. Also, the rats burn close in a C5 whereas in a C4 some of the targets like to sit at 100km and snipe. That means Gardes instead of Bouncers.

    I think there are pros and cons to to Incursions and WH anomalies. Once my guys finish their Ishtar trains (9 days) I'll be crosstraining into battleships so I can put more energy into Incursions.


    With respect to help with ISboxer... That's a whole other kettle of fish
    "Tact is for those that lack the wit for sarcasm."

  9. #9


    Hey Mosg2,
    Thanks for the input.
    My train of thought is, as I run c5 capital escalations, (earning about 1.3 bil an hour, because I run at a casual pace), I can be (and have been) ganked at anytime. I take all precautions, close all holes, only run at set times ect., but at any point you can be jumped by a triage carrier, small fleet and 2 dreads, when they role into you. Which almost always results in the loss of everything on the field (it is a pve fleet after all).

    I'd like to have a way of making the isk with-out looking over my shoulder at every second, and worry about who might try to evict me. It would also be great to have my mains cleared up to go back to active pvp, instead of weekend warrioring.

    As far as contesting, I play at odd hours, and always have a back-up plan if the incursion is over-crowded.
    I'm also running on the assumption of failure, so I'm holding on to my w-hole, and continuing business as usual until the new guys prove they can take up the torch.
    Worst case, I wasted 10 plex + skill/implant isk, no biggie. I'll still use them as bombers or something.

  10. #10


    I have been running incursions for the past week actually arriving on this thread through searching on google for tips to cut down on my times.

    Make sure you get rid of N's - ECM ships quickly, since with guardians you will have to keep your transfers going. This might be an annoyance since I'm not sure how quickly you will be able to kill them with abaddons.

    Another thing is make sure you plan to do at least two of the types of vanguards sometimes its busy and just doing one type of site will slow down how fast you can do them.

    For the NMC I usually have the lyavite with my booster and he warps in/gets paid as well although since you have a full fleet you can probably have it with one of your ships. Although knowing abaddons you might have cap issues with an mwd. - I only run with 9 ships + booster atm 10th is training up.

    Anyways good luck! Guessing you have already made an attempt seeing as this post is from the 27th

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