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Thread: RaF 1-90

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  1. #1

    Default RaF 1-90


    I plan to start a new 5 box team after the holiday sale. I only have 1 account now with a green geared 90 druid and 90 dk.

    Would like to go the LFD route, but don't have enough to buy 5 sets of guild heirlooms. Worth it to get full heirlooms for 5? How many hours would that take?

    If I boost the 1st group, would I have enough JP for full heirloom sets for 5 then?

    LFD 85-90 better than questing?

    For the mathematically challenged peeps like me, can a kind soul post am updated A > B > C type of guide for the new RaF 1 to 85 to have the max # of 85's across all accounts?

    By the way, I would do 7-8 boxing for flex raids, but it doesn't appear to be much success there, yet. Might pick up a few extra copies, just in case!

    Last edited by Damons : 12-01-2013 at 12:32 AM

  2. #2
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damons View Post
    I plan to start a new 5 box team after the holiday sale. I only have 1 account now with a green geared 90 druid and 90 dk.

    Would like to go the LFD route, but only have enough to buy 5 sets of guild heirlooms. Worth it to get full heirlooms for 5? How many hours would that take?
    I would say that if you want to use dungeons as your path for leveling throughout RaF, then you will want as many heirlooms as you can get. Speaking from experience, you probably won't need them for the first 70 levels as long as you've got a decent setup, but once you hit Wrath content you will find yourself extremely under-geared and possibly struggling without them (even more so come Cataclysm content).

    As for how long it takes to grind out the JP to acquire the ones you want? Well, that depends on how fast you can queue for dungeons at max level since every boss will give you 100 JP. Since they nerfed the Honor > JP conversion (and because random BG victories are so... random), you'll likely not want to use random BGs as a source (although you can purchase PvP heirlooms and probably get away with them for RaF leveling just fine).

    I just did a non-stop grind for a full team worth of heirlooms (all upgraded to level 85) and it probably took me 3-4 days to grind out over 70,000 JP as a tank queuing for heroics.

    Quote Originally Posted by Damons View Post
    If I boost the 1st group, would I have enough JP for full heirloom sets for 5 then?
    You don't start getting JP until level 70 (I think?) and even then you're getting close to zero per boss kill. Cataclysm content yields a little more JP per boss/instance, but I doubt it's enough to sufficiently supply you with heirlooms.

    Quote Originally Posted by Damons View Post
    LFD 85-90 better than questing?
    It really depends on the person. If you have a kickass group that has tight rotations and is able to kill things efficiently, then it's likely better than questing; but then it comes down to... Are you going to be completely bored with the same few instances over and over again for 5 levels or, will you want to break the repetitive grind with some questing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Damons View Post
    For the mathematically challenged peeps like me, can a kind soul post am updated A > B > C type of guide for the new RaF 1 to 85 to have the max # of 85's across all accounts?
    RaF was just increased to 85 a few weeks ago and I don't know of a guide like that that exists.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Damons View Post
    For the mathematically challenged peeps like me, can a kind soul post am updated A > B > C type of guide for the new RaF 1 to 85 to have the max # of 85's across all accounts?
    I don't know if this is what you mean, but if you have a level 90 that can boost, then you can do something like this: wow1 (in the new bnet account) invites wow2 and wow3 and the rest however you want, as long as wow1 is linked to at least two accounts. Have your level 90 boost wow2, wow3, wow4 and wow5 to level XX, then have wow2 and wow3 grant levels to wow1. Since they get one level to grant for every two they earn, wow1 will be the same level as the rest of the team. It should be the fastest way to level a team of five characters to 85. Once you are done with one team, rinse and repeat. Then make your way to Dawn's Blossom in the Jade Forest, gear up your teams with class and spec-appropriate ilvl 372 green gear from the merchant, and you're ready to grind to 90 in whatever manner you want.
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  4. #4
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Oh snap, Tonuss just reminded me...

    There's a level 80 Cataclysm green gear vendor at the Nordrassil camp in Hyjal now. That might help you balance yourself out if you're missing heirlooms.

  5. #5
    Rated Arena Member daviddoran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MiRai View Post
    Oh snap, Tonuss just reminded me...

    There's a level 80 Cataclysm green gear vendor at the Nordrassil camp in Hyjal now. That might help you balance yourself out if you're missing heirlooms.
    I'm lvlin a new team on a new server and that gear is invaluable. I'm not realm xferring to this server, so I am starting off with nothing, no gold no bags, and just by doing the dungeon quests, and vendoring just about everything but cloth, I had JUST enough to purchase a full set of 80 gear from the vendor once I hit 80. It made a huge difference in my DPS and survivability, as most of my older gear was crap, in northrend some of the stuff I was wearing was vanilla stuff, even as old as Zul'Farrak...

    So it is fully possible to do it quickly, with no gold help and with no heirlooms. That said, it's MUCH faster with a full set of heirlooms, not only because of the exp incraease, but the gear is perfectly optimized (provided you have the right heirloom sets) and you do so much more DPS especially at lower levels.

    I think I'll wait until cross realm BoA mailing is possible in the next patch before doing another team. I still have some looms to upgrade to 85 anyway.

  6. #6


    Don't forget about the argent tournament for picking up heirlooms also. You can get 17-20 champion seals per day. Throw that into your currency rotation for gathering heirlooms. I believe they have the 1-80 items and you upgrade them with JP to raise them to 85.
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  7. #7


    @Mirai & Tonuss , Thx for the detailed help!

    @Moosejaw Never considered the Argent Tourney, thx!

  8. #8


    booster invites a, a invite b, b invites c, c invites d. Then you pay for a transfer from C to the booster.
    Last edited by Sam DeathWalker : 11-22-2013 at 11:31 PM

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  9. #9


    There's also the Darkmoon Faire for heirlooms if you're patient (or have a lot of alts/multibox).

    Level 80 shoulders/robes cost 2,175 jp, 60 champion seals (can't upgrade with this currency), or 110 darkmoon prize tickets. So one champion seal is worth about 36 jp, and one darkmoon prize ticket is worth about 20 jp. Other slots/upgrades have similar ratios.

    Mirai has commented that as a tank, 3-4 days gave 70,000 jp. I'm not sure how many hours it was each day, but this is the fastest way to do this outside the game as there's no limit on how many times you can do this in a day or month.

    When I farmed the Argent Tournament for mounts/pets, I only did the quests (14/day), and it took 20 ish minutes or the equivalent of around 1,500 jp/hr. By comparison, this would have been more efficient for Mirai if his 3-4 days was at least 47 hours or so. Likely not faster than a tank queue. Also, there's a daily limit, and you'll need a different currency to upgrade them.

    The Darkmoon Faire allows you to trade gold at the AH for 55 prize tickets at level 15 and 80 prize tickets at level 85. Also, the profession quests give up to an additional 20 prize tickets. There's also a quest to kill 250 mobs for 10 more tokens, which is a nice bonus to regular play (adds 0.8 jp/mob).. The turnin and profession can be completed in minimal time once a month. Translated, these are worth 1100 jp at level 15, 1600 jp at level 85 and an additional 400 jp if you do all the profession quests. Doing a round of the darkmoon dailies would net an additional 5 prize tickets (100 jp), but in my opinion takes longer than farming the jp in heroics (or the argent tournament). This method does take a while outside the game as the quests are only monthly, but it's the most time efficient inside the game by a wide margin (turning in the item quests is easilly less than 5 minutes, or 15,000 jp/hr, the profession quests take another 5, or 5,000 jp/hr when doing those).

  10. #10
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sservis View Post
    Mirai has commented that as a tank, 3-4 days gave 70,000 jp. I'm not sure how many hours it was each day, but this is the fastest way to do this outside the game as there's no limit on how many times you can do this in a day or month.
    Honestly, I didn't keep track of the time, but I'd say a solid 6-8 hours per day broken up throughout the day as I did other things (like feed myself and workout). It all depended on the groups I was getting and I think I farmed a third of the JP I needed just in one single day because I had a Healer that was queuing with me, knew how I pulled entire instances, and could keep me alive. It was then up to the DPS to not be dumb, adapt quickly, and be doing more than a measly 10K DPS.

    With a good group you should be able to do most heroics in 5-10 minutes granted you're not stuck listening to NPC RP (e.g. Siege of Niuzao Temple).

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