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  1. #1

    Default Send command to 2 User on 1PC


    I have a small problem with Hotkeynet 210

    I want to send commands to a second of registered users on my Win7-PC.

    I'm already so far that I have to run HotkeyNet on both users and accepted server and client,

    Since however have the same IP is not yet sendPC sendPC and the commands to send to the second user

    Can someone help me further?


  2. #2


    We'll need a little more information in order to help you. What program are you trying to send hotkeys to? I don't understand why you're setting up servers and clients if this is on one machine. Are you running VMs?
    EVE Online Get Ships. Train Skills.

  3. #3



    I use HotekeyNet to Manage my 7 LotrO Clients.
    at this Moment its works. i open all on the same user of my machine. in future this dosnt works.
    So i try to start 1 Lotro on my Adminkonto from Win7 and the other on their own userkonto on my machine (7xLotro=7 WinUser)
    But i have the problem that all use the same IP from the Machine.

    Now i need a "command" to send to the other Win7User

    (sorry for my tereble English)
    Last edited by GreenHorn : 04-29-2013 at 03:24 AM

  4. #4


    Ok. I believe you have to run each client from a different folder in order for them to all run. Lotro also doesn't accept keystrokes unless it is the foreground window, and I never could figure out how to work around this with HotKeyNet.
    EVE Online Get Ships. Train Skills.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by EaTCarbS View Post
    Lotro also doesn't accept keystrokes unless it is the foreground window
    OK, i see the problem. I test it with Hardware. On my PC i have 2 Networkadapter. With this i send diffrend commands to both WinUser but nothing happens at the second one:-(

    This my test :-)
    <hotkey scrollLockOn F1>
    <SendWin a>
    <wait 50>
    <key 1>
    <wait 250>
    <SendWin a>
    <wait 50>
    <key 1>
    <wait 250>
    <SendWinM a>
    <wait 50>
    <key 2>
    <wait 250>
    <SendWinM a>
    <wait 50>
    <key 2>
    <wait 250>
    <SetBackgroundFocusDelays 0 50>
    <SendWinMF a>
    <wait 50>
    <key 3>
    <wait 250>
    <SetBackgroundFocusDelays 0 50>
    <SendWinMF a>
    <wait 50>
    <key 3>
    <wait 250>
    <SendWinS a>
    <wait 50>
    <key 4>
    <wait 250>
    <SendWinS a>
    <wait 50>
    <key 4>
    <wait 250>
    <SetBackgroundFocusDelays 0 50>
    <SendWinSF a>
    <wait 50>
    <key 5>
    <wait 250>
    <SetBackgroundFocusDelays 0 50>
    <SendWinSF a>
    <wait 50>
    <key 5>
    This the Response
    <SendWin a> failed: Operating system SetForegroundWindow function failed; Windows reports system error 5, "Zugriff verweigert"
    Someone any Idea???

  6. #6


    Are you running everything as Administrator?
    EVE Online Get Ships. Train Skills.

  7. #7


    yes, both user are Administrator

  8. #8
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreenHorn View Post
    yes, both user are Administrator
    A user being an administrator and running a program as an administrator are two different things. You may need to right-click on the programs themselves and choose "Run as administrator..."

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