
inspired by Invisahealz last video - i want to start a team for world pvp.
I want to create an alliance-team because there are much more horde players (EU).

But i have some questions:

How many toons do i need to be successfull?
Is 10 boxing enough or do i need more toons for world pvp?
How many random players can i defeat with a 10 box team?

Can i attack bases like Thrallmar with a 10 box team or will we npc-guards
kill me instantly? (I only boxed pve so far)

What do you think about my 10 box team composition ?
2 x resto druid (hot spamming, high movement, maybe i can use travelform-mount + iwt in bgs)
2 x enhancement sham (healtotem, nice burst, anti-fear)
6 x frost dk (nice burst, death grip and handsome as hell^^)

Do i need a tank or a priest?

A lot beginner questions but any help will be appreciate!
