Quote Originally Posted by MiRai View Post

Happy movie making!
Thanks for the info mirai. It seemed less pixilated every time I re rendered it especially with higher settings. I assumed it was like distiling vodka haha. The more distiling the better the quality haha.
And yes to everyone else. The laggggggggg is bad when we fight him. In av the server almost freezes up as you can see. The first fight I had a handful of my guys even get disconnected from the server as you can see prepared is fighting bal after we are gone the first time and my healers magically come back to life. Lol. Just relogging in haha. The crappy thing is when this happens in Wpvp Derek will fly in the honor vendor on one side and ill go in the other. As soon as I start attack the other half of the vendor area phases out and I can't even see djensen even though he is 5 yards away. So annoying when you run click to move "Melee" team as the toons just sit there until the server starts responding finally and I stop phasing. Still fun though