we are linked with

Kazzak - Frostmane - Tarren Mill - Outland - Grim Batol

here is some stats on the server (only a guide plz)

Realm - Type - Alliance - Horde - A/H Activity Ratio - Overall

Grim Batol - PVP - 14,183 (66%) - 7,328 (34%) - 2.6:1 - 21,511
Outland - PvP - 45,423 (91%) - 4,360 (9%) - 1.1:1 - 49,783
Tarren Mill - PVP - 524 (20%) - 2,054 (80%) - 1:3.3 - 2,578
Frostmane - PVP - 2,064 (85%) - 375 (15%) - 5:1 - 2,439
Kazzak - PVP - 416 (1%) - 44,521 (99%) - 1:7.8 - 44,937