
I know this has been discussed quite a bit especially with reference in creating junctions in the WTF directory. I have done that and has successfully link the different wow accounts to one directory.

I run a few instances of wow.exe from just 1 installation.

However, it seems that I have this problem: it seems that the wow client pre-cache information such as addon settings and macros when you login. The issue comes in when I have a few clients running.

For example, I load up 5 clients and make some adjustments to client 4 and 5's macro during game play. When I exit, my changes does not get saved because for example I exit client 1 last, the pre-cache copy of the settings (the one that does not contain the final changes) gets written into the WTF folder.

Currently the way out for me is that I have to login one character at a time, and make the changes and logout so that the changes gets recorded. If I open more than 2 clients, the changes get screw up.