I figured since we are a month away and the coming patch changes talents and such this might be a good time to discuss exactly what you are looking forward to.

Personally I'm looking forward to the amount of different viable 3's compositions as well as doing my first real multi-class 5's team.

The changes to rets, warriors and enhance shaman all have me very excited. As well as the proposition of actually leading a team from a hunter now that you can effectively DPS from up close if necessary.

I'm also decently excited as the viability of elemental shaman purist 5's teams are going to come back pretty hard.

It's just going to be a lot of fun to me to be able to actually have a decent shot at running legitimate 3's team comps at close to maximum efficiency.

What specific class changes are you looking forward to most?
Any teams you are really looking forward to playing?
Are you happy PVE will have less impact on PVP success?
Looking forward to the new bgs? Ability to blacklist SoTA?!
Name anything