I agree, it's nice to see videos like this.

However, after you said in your video that you weren't sure your team was going to make it to 85 before MoP, I noticed that you're only getting rested and group experience. Why did you not take advantage of the Recruit-a-Friend feature? If you chain your accounts together to take advantage of Recruit-a-Friend your entire party gets 300% increased experience from level 1 to level 80.

If you've never played with RaF before then I will say that you're missing out and may want to re-start your team to take advantage of the offer. I see that you are only using Draenei and a Night Elf as your backup Hunters so I'll assume that you've only purchased the base $20 Vanilla/BC game and, if that's the case and you haven't added Wrath and Cata to those game accounts, then I would recommend starting over -- You'll be back to the mid 20's in absolutely no time at all.

If you do start over and your 4 newest accounts are attached to your main's BNet account, you will probably want to strip them of everything, delete the characters, and have Blizzard detach those 4 accounts from your main BNet to make room for 4 new ones. You can only have a max of 8 WoW accounts attached to any BNet, so if you were to actually start over you'd have your main account + 4 old + 4 new and that's one too many. Might as well clear the old ones off the account which will require a call to Blizzard customer service.

EDIT: Upon further investigation... RaF isn't available in your country is it?