this time of the yr because a new xpac is now in beta and people are slowing down is still awesome for making Gold... because people to me it seems are hammering their alts, or levelling new ones they are making or made, and seems people are switching profs for MOP...

I am sitting at 840k on my main, and spread across a bunch of other toons might be oh I dont know 400k or so, and I do what I enjoy... gems, and de, ore shuffle... love it, especially x5 toons prospecting ahahahaaha... its fast, 1 can sit in AH and spam rubies and other cuts, while 3-4 toons are prospecting and or making jewellry and de'ing it, and selling as raw mats and or scroll chants.. Wednesday Night I hit the AH hard and made close too 50k, so definitely a hell of alot of gold to be made through gems because we just had the 20% nerf buff hit so next 1-2 weeks or so people are killing more bosses they couldnt kill before..

I have spectral tiger on my main toon, and plan to make the new mop jc mount ASAP, just cause I like mounts... and too show off cause I can lol.

Ive spent alot of gold over the last 6 months, and then made a tonne more back again... its for me always up and down, as I like to make alot then i tend to spend alot.. now im hanging onto it for MOP and pushing hard in JC/Chant area while its still making me alot of gold so come MOP i can just level, dungeon, raid comfortably and buy whatever mats for profs and newest flashy gear asap and so forth.

I also did the truegold xmute x5 when it was worth alot now its pure gems, ore for me and wed/thur's and yielding alot of gold just the way I like it.

Oh im on high pop realm too...