Quote Originally Posted by Mokoi View Post
I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't care about money... the cost of multiboxing software is VASTLY less than the cost of... multiboxing!

Make software better than ISboxer, and you have my money. I'd pay a LOT more than I currently do for software that's easier to use.

I don't use Hotkeynet because.. i cant program, and I have no experience with it. It's not worth the hassle of learning complicated software for free. ISboxer is cheap as hell, and it's a bit easier to use.

NOW, as a long-time boxer.. even pre-dating these forums, I'd like to see some not-so-simple changes:

I mix and match teams a lot. I create new teams, and I find it a pain in the ASS to do so. I'd like to see a software package that does the following:

Since I know LAX is following this thread, I want to first say .. Lax is a genius, and he is the man.. I love him. I have never found someone so dedicated, and who rushes to support his product. That being said, there are (as always) places that I think need improvement, and that's not to say he couldn't do it, but he's off solving much more difficult problems than these, and giving us functionality i cant even imagine until it's downloaded in my software automatically

(I understand some of these might be out of the scope of possibility, and I apologize in advance, I am not aware of the limitations)

1. Better GUI than ISboxer.

I would like to see an interface that is intuitive, and powerful (i know.. i know). I want to be able to drag and drop icons of characters, organized by account, class, level, etc to easily match the characters I want to play in the software without the hassle of having to first create new characters, or use the wizard (in ISboxer) to add the characters and then to delete a team i just made so I can use the characters in a team i copied because all my settings are already setup in a different team (hotkeys to switch, follow commands etc).

2. add-on integration.

I'm not sure if it's possible, but I would like (and pay for) software that keeps my addon preferences for commonly used addons for multiboxing available on all installs, and to all characters i play. ie: I'd like to start a new team, log in for the first time, and hit my mini-map button for (boxer program name here) and then click on a preset profile for addons, interface, etc. So my grid acts the same on all toons if I want them to. Addon's often allow this, but they are install and account-bound, which is more hassle for setting up a new team.

3. Window swapping from other computers.
As Ughma said, I would also like to swap the windows on my second PC around. Not from PC2 to PC1 or anything, but certainly I'd like to be able to hit a hotkey from PC1 and have PC2 swap a window. I haven't had this working in ISboxer yet, not sure about the limitations.

I second all of what Dan wrote.

I'd see new software as an advantage if it can do the following.
1. operate and be as versatile as ISBoxer, or PWNBoxer.
2. Support MAC and PC separately, and jointly.
3. +1 more from Dans number 2 above, and say, make this automatic, with few clicks and checkmarks at the start of a new team wizard... I.e. New team Wizard-> label and identify team -> add-ons to apply as character defaults -> window layout... -> go!
4. remote in to another PC, and use multiplexer from my own pc, launch a wow client from remote pc, and control it via my multiplexer. subsequently, I wouldnt have to operate the multiplexer software or even install it (perma) on the remote pc.

(The main reason for number 4. is 90% of the questions from this site. How do I do ..."x"? Well, if we could remote in, use our own stuff, and take control, troubleshooting much faster... and two fold by being able to load up a friends toon, to run with us, if he/she is the counter part to one RaF, and is currently unavailable)

Also, to note: Ive tried several software packages before settling on ISBoxer. All be it, I will continue to use ISBoxer, I am not opposed to testing and operating a second software. I am not a hardware boxer, but if I could put software on the family laptop, my sons computers, mine, and my wifes, then run a team with as quick a response time as if it were a single PC, I dunno anyone who wouldnt like that.