the cheap-ass way BioWare's world builders burn down your health.

K, since that is out of the way, anybody have any suggestions? Basically, I've got my Imperial group up to about Level 40 and I've noticed something more-and-more the higher level I've hit. The number one way BioWare burns your health down is by spacing out groups of mobs and not really providing a means to cover the distance to each mob quickly.

Basically, you'll have a group of say 3 weak mobs. Then you attack them with a full group and say and elite or 2 strongs pop-up. That's not really an issue for me anymore. I've gotten comfortable using the various means of CC at my disposal. But I've noticed that even in groups where additional mobs DON'T pop-up, there'll be a substantial amount of space between in mob in a group. Plus, when you do have a group with alot of extra pop-ups, it makes the total distance you have to cover to clear the group of mobs even longer.

So, you attack and kill the first mob. Then you'll either be slowed or Force Charge isn't up yet, so you have to slug all the way to the second guy, taking damage the whole time. Attack and kill him. Rinse and repeat. With just a group of say three or four weak mobs, it can burn down half the health on my Juggernaut MT. And it's not like my guy is poorly equipped or the wrong spec. This is just something I've noticed and it strikes me as a really cheap-ass, weak-sauce way of designing combat. Basically, you give a group an achilles heal and then design the combat around that.

OK, </endrant>. Has anybody else noticed this or am I the only one? Any suggestions for counters?
