I'm seriously contemplating moving a team (Paladin & 4x Death Knights) to Magtheridon.
Out of the US servers, I've encountered a lot more boxers from this realm who are active during my playtime that from anywhere else.
And I would really like to play with other boxers, and especially do BG premades.

The first step will be a faction change.
And the next would the server change.
So it won't be instant, but is likely coming.

I have a few questions:

PvP Queues
What is the average wait time for the Bonus Honor weekend BG?
What is the average wait time for a Random BG (Weekend and Weekdays)?
What is the average wait time for AV or IoC, when it's not the bonus honor battleground?
How active is the battlegroup for arena 5's?

The Horde Population
Roughly what is the ratio of alliance to horde, is it close or lopsided either way?
How good is the economy/auction house?