So my locks and engineer and i want jeeves for him. So i mounted up right after hitting lvl 80 and flew to stormpeaks crash site Horde.

On turning into the flight master and looking around, wasnt thinking about it looked up and what did i see 100 yards from my face. Yes the Time Lost Proto Drake. The myth the legend can it be all mine. So out of sweat and nerves log onto my main account my mount farmer. Luckily they were in dal jump on his epic flyer and race along with my hear to storm peaks.

Got there looked around hears still pounding no where is he target time nothing. Flew around around a bit people on vent asking me why im excited told them why. So after 3 mins of worry back at the crash site look over there she is. Thank you god. So i get on the mountain wait and taunt to me. Kill her and got mount. Never once did i have to farm for her she just showed up. Now i have the drake woohoo.

Also side not hit 5 gaurdians at library on my lock e card and jeeves dropped now off to get the rest to make my new buddy.