Hey all,

Just took advantage of the Blizzard sale to buy 4 new accounts up to Cataclysm and get back in to boxing without wasting the RAF this time. Now that it's come down to server choice, I realized my current server, Shattered Halls, is dying and down to a little over 1,500 characters per www.wowrealms.com. I had noticed it seemed pretty sparse in the past, and this seems to confirm it.

Looking to move to a high population PvP (I like world PvP from time to time) server with either a good balance of Alliance vs. Horde or a good group of boxers. All of my 85's are Alliance at the moment so I plan on sticking with em.

I've read here that Kil'jaeden has a bunch of ally boxers but I noticed it's over 80% horde.

I've checked out the new Commons here but there aren't a lot of votes for realms just yet.

Thanks all.