Up to the first boss is pretty easy. Just keep your guys spread out for trash and the first boss.


Very simple. I eat most of the damage and just interrupt when I can. If you want though you can move your toons out of stuff, but there isn't enough damage to make it matter. Be sure to break out the ice tombs when they appear.

Asira Dawnslayer:

This fight is a hassle whether you're melee or ranged...except for hunters . If you are ranged, you can mostly stand in one spot...but group up to get Thrall's healing totem. If you are melee, just be prepared to move out of the smoke bomb quickly. Otherwise it's pretty tank and spank.

Trash to last boss:

I had some trouble with this trash. A. Thrall dies sometimes and resets the gauntlet...even after the hotfix B. stuff is running all over the place. I kill the eye first, then the octopus thing, then the other dude and leave the tentacle. Not much more to say about this.

Archbishop Benedictus:

This, like Mannoroth, seemed like it was supposed to be the hard fight for boxers, but it is nothing like the last ZG boss. Just spread out and lay into him with the deeps. Initially I was going to avoid the slow moving curtain of death, but I found that it only took me to about 10%, so I just eat it. Move out of white/purple circles when they show up. Otherwise it's pretty easy. However, if you really want to minimize damage, what you could do is move your toons to the outsides of the circle and just move the 2/3 toons that would be hit by the wave, but this really doesn't seem necessary with appropriate gear/resist totems up. Basically I pretty much brute force this. My gear is 360-378 ilvl average.