Has anyone given any more thought to boxing Diablo III? I know it will probably be complicated as all get out, but I'm wondering if anyone has given any thought to technique?

Right now I'm thinking a group of mages might do pretty well with their arcane beam thing, or witch doctors for walls and minions.

Control is definitely going to be interesting, but I don't think we'll have too many issues if someone comes up with a good set of broadcasting software. Maybe something that only clicks when the mouse is clicked, but the mouse position moves based on the position of the leader so your followers are always moving near the lead.

Given the RMAH, I imagine there is going to be a huge demand for people to try and box as their "profession", even though most of us doing it now have an income that would put gold farming to shame. I wouldn't mind making some cash on the side, I mean 50$ a week is still 50$ a week, especially if it's something you'd be doing anyway.

Anyway, just curious if anyone else has given any thought to it.