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  1. #1

    Default Stupid focus problem, how do I make someone focus not in my group?

    I am using a pocket priest to bring up a mage to sufficient level to group with my others. The problem is that I cannot group her with the priest as he is 70. So I use focus. However focus does not seem to work when they are not grouped.

    Now, once grouped and focus is set the mage can drop the group and all is fine. All the target=focus modifier spells work just fine. HOWEVER. If she gets out of range focus is lost. Examples, taking the birdy or porting.

    ideas? Can I set focus without being grouped? Its a bother to group just to set it and then drop group.

  2. #2


    No way around it beyond grouping up, Focus simply doesn't save if not grouped/raided
    Not Currently Boxing
    IRC Excerpt:
    Drayth> Finish this set: Spaceturkey Lazurturkey Moonturkey Starturkey - and no, don't say Sunturkey.
    Fursphere> Moonturkey? Drayth> Look at - Fursphere> damnit...Starturkey?
    Fursphere> FUCK. - Drayth> lol... * Fursphere gets on the failboat

  3. #3


    You could use target=magename if you're just healing your 1 mage. Curious, are you healing after the fight? If you heal during the fight does the xp get reduced? I've run a number of alts through Stocks, SM, ZF, BRD with my 70 lock (70 lock and 70 priest for BRD) and still get decent xp considering the quick killing with Seed of Corruption. (I've heard of much faster runs through Stocks and SM with mages and pally's though).

    Edit: Sorry just re-read and I guess you have macros that fire spells with target=focus...that would be a pain changing all of them.

  4. #4


    Healing is having no effect on her experience... even during the fight

  5. #5


    Healing won't but dmg done will...even if ungrouped, if you tag a mob and another player does all the dmg you get minimal exp; if say, a druid spams faerie fire to keep aggro on a mob over your lowbie's dmg at lower lvls, but never actually does dmg beyond the FF, and the alt burns it down, they get full exp. Problem is, this only works on single targets and takes just as long if not longer than normal killing would + is hell on repair bills for the druid lol; both have to regen post-fight, quicker to just burn through mobs at reduced exp and kill them 5-10x faster/en masse and even it out
    Not Currently Boxing
    IRC Excerpt:
    Drayth> Finish this set: Spaceturkey Lazurturkey Moonturkey Starturkey - and no, don't say Sunturkey.
    Fursphere> Moonturkey? Drayth> Look at - Fursphere> damnit...Starturkey?
    Fursphere> FUCK. - Drayth> lol... * Fursphere gets on the failboat

  6. #6


    I think you can join group, set /focus, then drop the person out of the group and it maintains your focus as long as you don't zone or /reloadui.

    I think.
    TBC/Wrath Multiboxer: Velath / Velani / Velathi / Velatti / Velavi / Velarie [Archimonde (US-PvP)]

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by 'shivetya',index.php?page=Thread&postID=40761#post 40761
    Healing is having no effect on her experience... even during the fight
    I have been helping my paladin catch up with my main group by ungrouping him and having a rolling renew on him at all times - once he taps a mob my warlocks can also debuff it without him losing xp - Recklessness & Weakness/Tongues is making paladin levelling a breeze.

    For around half xp penalty I just run around with my imps on aggressive, so long as the pally taps them first the imps can finish them off for half xp - quicker xp gain than relying solely on paladin dpm (damage per minute - yawn), plus it looks pretty cool to roll through westfall with a couple of rapid fire flamethrowers.

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