You can tell from my post below that I understand some of the isboxer terminology but with a toddler i have to lose sleep in order to play wow. I lack the time to wonder "what if" or "can i do this" and play around with isboxer with no real driving purpose in mind. I have learned bits and pieces from some in-depth answers to other people's problems since i read this site before falling asleep but there are sooooo many options in isboxer. If you have only used the wizard, like i have, it can be overwhelming. Anyway, here is my issue:

I would like to make a team of druid tank, 3 rogues, and druid healer.

I usually use only the 1,2,3 buttons on everything except the tank (where i use 1 through =). I put a single-target macro rotation on button 1, a multi-target/AOE macro rotation on button 2, and a pvp/omg macro rotation on button 3. I do all this within wow because I have not been able to do much customization of isboxer. I'm the kind of person that needs pictures, literal step by step instructions that assume no prior knowledge, or videos. Answers like "make a melee ATG and change the steps" don't help me very much. I understand sort of what those are, but executing the verbs "make" and "change" are where I have trouble...

So, what I would like to do is have IWT broadcast ONLY to windows 1-4 (not healer) on RELEASING the 1,2,or 3 button. I would like to have step back (like pressing and releasing the down arrow) happen ONCE on window five (the druid) when releasing 1/2/3 but not occur again until I stop pressing 1/2/3 for a certain number of seconds.