
I tried 6 boxing this boss, but can't seem to dismantle his bone. I managed to bring him down to 10%-20% hp on few occasions, but never down him. Sigh.... . The part that frustrate me was the 'over-aggro' by my range dps, even though the addon Omen indicated otherwise. I have captured a video, with the link

The mage 'aggroed' the boss at 2:49, and I believe the bone storm was not completed yet. Advise from anyone on how to overcome this?

BTW, this 6 boxing was done on a 1.6GHz notebook, so I have to capture a smaller video screen to free up as much cpu resources as possible.

And yes, the dps was low (macro issue) as I dont raid. I normally run 5 men heroic with a healer friend, and the simple setup is more than sufficient. But I am more than willing to learn from you.
