Whether or not I'm using keyclone, I get this error: "World of Warcraft unable to start up 3d acceleration. Please make sure direct X 9.0c is installed and your video drivers are up to date"

I used to dual-box a few months ago with no problems, I'm not sure what has changed. Here are some things I have checked.

- Both instances of WoW are using 24-bit color depth, with 1x multisampling

- Video drivers are up to date

- I have tried both 1-to-1 ratio in maximizer, as well as 800x600 and 1280x1024

- If I load them up in reverse order, I don't receive the error but the 2nd window is all black (except a few foreground elements) and laggy.

- Separate WoW folders

-Both set to Windowed Mode

I also ran into this problem when I was first setting up dual-boxing, but back then I was able to fix it by changing them both to Windowed Mode via the video settings in WoW. I think I may have also had to set only one, or both of them to the same color depth/multisampling. I have tried many combinations and no change now.