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  1. #1

    Default Click to Move ON/OFF (on swap)

    I found this from Ualaa a few months ago on the isboxer forums:

    With a bit of help from Lax, I have got this working.
    What I did:

    Created two Keymaps.

    Keymap 1 "CTM Off"
    Hotkey: Alt + Ctrl + ,
    New Macro Action.
    Target: Window (Current)
    Key Combination: Control + Alt + ,
    Display As (in Step): Checked; "Ctrl + Alt + Comma (CTM Off)"
    In macro generator: /console AutoInteract 0

    Keymap 2 "CTM On"
    Hotkey: Alt + Ctrl + .
    New Macro Action.
    Target: Window (All w/o Current)
    Key Combination: Control + Alt + .
    Display As (in Step): Checked; "Ctrl + Alt + Period (CTM On)"
    In macro generator: /console AutoInteract 1

    Then modified my Follow/JambaMaster Keymap (Control Keymaps)
    Added (twice) - Key Map Actions >> Do Mapped Key Action.
    a) Window: Current, General, CTM Off.
    b) Window: Current, General, CTM on.

    Then exported to Inner Space.

    Changed the above post, for the Target of a Mapped Key update.
    However, this is not working for me.

    Has something changed in the past few months?

    When I swap, it's as though the keymaps are not activating the CTM off & CTM on keymaps.


    Earthen Ring - Horde - 7 boxing
    Cuddle Buddies - 4DK, 1 Holy Paladin, 1 Disc Priest, and 1 Resto Shaman | Armory 5v5 Cuddle Buddies
    ex Kilrogg - Horde

    Team Acid Wuvablez - 4DK + 1 holy pally | Acidburning, Crashohvride, Acidloves, Acidhugs, & Acidcuddles | Armory 5v5 Love You Bye Bye
    ex Garona - Horde
    Team Acid Dessert - Quad Shaman | Acidcake, Acidfudge, Acidicecream, & Acidmoarprz
    Team Acid Hackers - DK + 3 Rets | Acidburning, Crashohvride, Ceralkillah, & Loardnikon

  2. #2


    wow, I guess after beating your head on the keyboard for 30min, then posting your problem, that's when the light turns on.

    I needed to modify they keymap: Follow/JambaStrobe/JambaMaster

    (for my ownsetup)

    not deleting so others can see silly mistakes
    Earthen Ring - Horde - 7 boxing
    Cuddle Buddies - 4DK, 1 Holy Paladin, 1 Disc Priest, and 1 Resto Shaman | Armory 5v5 Cuddle Buddies
    ex Kilrogg - Horde

    Team Acid Wuvablez - 4DK + 1 holy pally | Acidburning, Crashohvride, Acidloves, Acidhugs, & Acidcuddles | Armory 5v5 Love You Bye Bye
    ex Garona - Horde
    Team Acid Dessert - Quad Shaman | Acidcake, Acidfudge, Acidicecream, & Acidmoarprz
    Team Acid Hackers - DK + 3 Rets | Acidburning, Crashohvride, Ceralkillah, & Loardnikon

  3. #3


    Lax should really make the wizard populate some of these essential actions by default. Political reasons i guess. Here's my ITW/CTM Map set. It only requires one key and your mouse wheel up.
    Just remember what ol' Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol' storm right square in the eye and he says, "Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it"

  4. #4


    The wizard does create CTM On/Off mapped keys, and an IWT key. The guides available don't tell you how to use these, though.

    This guide by thmsn that I've yet to publish on tells how to set up IWT using the mapped keys generated by the wizard
    Author of ISBoxer
    Video: ISBoxer Quick Start

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Calgary, AB and Vancouver, BC
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    I wrote my guide prior to the wizard having CTM or IWT.
    It explains one method of creating these keys and using them.

    I've not run the wizard in some time, for a new team.
    So do not have the new mapped keys, as the wizard makes them.

    Still, whichever way you go...
    It's not that hard to look at a mapped key and figure what it's supposed to do.
    If it doesn't behave as desired, there's a lot of support on this forum, the isboxer forum and the IRC to get it to work.
    EverQuest I: Bard / Enchanter / Druid / Wizard / 2x Magician.
    Diablo III: 4x Crusader & 4x Wizard.

    My Guide to IS Boxer (somewhat dated).
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