So I was trying to farm reg TOC this morning. The first three rounds of jousting goes find without any issues, then I wiped on the bosses. I thought maybe I was doing something stupid or my guys weren't facing the direction or something.

Tried it again, didn't even come close to killing them. I ended up wiping 6 times and finally got disgusted and walked away from the computer for an hour. I couldn't understand what the deal was, I never had any issues with jousting at all in the past. I hadn't played in a week, did my skills just go to the suck that fast?!

So I get back on again to do some of the easy heroics and that's when it dawned on me. The damn toc was set on heroic the whole time.

One day, I will be geared up enough (or get the skill somewhere) to get the team through HTOC. One day...