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  1. #1

    Default How Much would you pay for a boost?

    Its come to the point where boosting with my 60 paladin is not working for me, far too small pulls possible in SM and a friend has given me the name of a guy who will boost me. So heres the big Question: how much would you be willing to pay for a boost, not a one off, from 30-50? I mean per boost? this guy charges 20g per run. Too me that seemed too much.
    Any help would be great

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Fremantle, Western Australia


    Depends on the class, and the instance.

    20g, seems reasonable to charge. But not to pay.

    If I had an 80 (or played the AH) then sure...

    But on a new server, that 20g is a decent chunk. (When at that level)...

  3. #3


    yeh i got about 1/1.5k that im willing to spend over 3/4 teams (30-50)

  4. #4


    It also depends on if you have RAF or not too. You haven't indicated that. 20g for a run means usually 1 run per level. that is peanuts. If you talking without RAF then yeah 20g a run would get really spendy.

  5. #5


    sorry, yes i do hav RAF

  6. #6


    Does his price go up depending on the instance he is boosting you thru? if its just a flat 20g per run then I would maximize the instances that can give me the best xp gain per your level. So basically leave SM when the xp starts to go stale and you need more than 1-2 runs to get a level.
    Go to ZF if he is a druid, or move to something like ST. If you plan it correctly you can maximize 30-50 with 23-25 (+- a couple) runs at 20g a run so spending less than 500g getting 20 levels with RAF.
    It's that or level your pally to 70 and get the cobalt starter set and continuing your own boosting. Is the time spent worth the gold you would be saving or is the gold spent worth the time you will be saving yourself?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Calgary, AB and Vancouver, BC
    Blog Entries


    With a full group of toons, questing should be fairly easy too.
    It won't be as fast as boosting, but you'll have 4x (or 5x) toons killing, which will be fast enough.
    It is a definite option to consider.

    Personally, while you have the RAF, I'd try to level as many combinations as possible from 1st to 60th.
    The absolute ideal would be one of every class on each of the accounts.

    If you know for a fact you won't play 4x Warriors, and prefer Paladins and Druids as tanks on mixed teams, then don't level a warrior team. If you cannot stand mages, then you won't need a mage team or mages on mixed teams either.

    During my RAF, I did: Druids, Hunters, Shamans and Priests.
    I wish I had done: Mages and Warlocks too.

    With RAF still running, I did Pally + 4x Shammies to 80th.
    That amount of time is pretty much the same with or without RAF.
    However, the Mages and Warlocks will be a lot slower to 80th now that I don't have RAF to 60.

  8. #8


    20g seems fairly cheap. Is it 20g a toon so 80g to bring 4 toons?
    <Zero Tolerance>
    Level: 70
    Server: Azgalor
    Race: Orc / Blood Elf

  9. #9


    Wow. Yeah forgot to ask that. That makes a huge difference too.

  10. #10


    Well I'm holmesers mate who refered this guy to him. He wont charge for multi toons and when he boosted me in underbog for 20g so pretty cheap. Also he is a 80 warrior and when he boosted me he was in full t8 dps
    Last edited by jkkeogh : 10-21-2009 at 07:36 PM Reason: Wrong spelling

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