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  1. #1


    My 5 x Druids are only 63 so I'm still at an experimental stage. I was able to do Ramparts with these macros. Tomorrow I'll start Citidel and see how the macros pan out. Let me see if I can remember off the top of my head what I used. I don't have Lacerate yet, but as soon as I reach level 66 that will be incorporated.

    Macro: Mob Attack:
    /click ActionButton1
    /click ActionButton2
    /click ActionButton3

    For a Boss I added Demoralizing Shout. I don't start off with it though, I have the macro setup to do the other actions first to establish a bit of threat. here is what I use for bosses.
    Macro Boss Attack:
    /click ActionButton1
    /click ActionButton2
    /click ActionButton3
    /click ActionButton4
    /click ActionButton5

    Macro for ActionButton1:
    /castsequence reset=target Faerie Fire (Feral),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Macro for ActionButton2:
    /castsequence reset=target Swipe

    Macro for ActionButton3:
    /castsequence reset=target Maul,

    Macro for ActionButton4:
    /castsequence reset=target Demoralizing Shout,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Macro for ActionButton5:
    /castsequence reset=target Mangle,,,,

    Basically this is how it goes, if I can explain it right. The "," represent how many button pushes it will wait before trying to initiate it. So for example the SWIPE macro. I put only 1 comma there. Otherwise every button push will try and use SWIPE unless your pushing buttons like crazy. I leave room for at least 1 comma so if my MAUL is ready, the macro will push MAUL. You notice I have 2 commas on that to wait for at least 2 more button pushes before trying to initiate it again. Since Mangle has a 6 second cooldown anyway, I have at least 4 commas on it to skip at least 4 of my button mashing.

    All this comma stuff really depends on how quickly you push the buttons. You'll have to adjust to it according to how quickly you push buttons. If your patient and steady with it, and have the rage, it seems to sequence rather nicely. Incase people are wondering about why 30 commas on Faerie Fire. Well the debuff stays on target for 5 minutes. So I'm not in a rush to sequence that spell all the time. You do see however the button macros say "target=reset." Well as soon as one mob is dead and I target another, since its a new target, and the first "/click" sequence is for Faerie Fire so it tosses that on the new target to start off. It's a nice thing to use when pulling a target to ya. I push my Mob Macro button that casts faerie fire, and I just move off to LOS them to a make them come together, push my Mob Macro again and it does swip (the next sequence of the /click macro). Hope all this makes alot of sense.

    All this ideas I got from EatCarbs guy that made alot of awesome videos.
    Last edited by terrhian : 12-08-2009 at 02:22 AM

  2. #2


    Also on the Tank, I have 2 buttons with the same Mob Macro button and 2 buttons with the same Boss Macro button. But on the other 3 DPS Druids I have only 1 button setup for mob attacks, and 1 button setup for boss attacks. Why? Well when I push <6> on my keyboard, only my Tank is attacking the mob, DPS is just chillen. But when I push <7> my Tank is still following its macro sequence, but now my DPS is kicking in on the action. Here are the macros I use for my 3 Boomkins.

    Mob Macro for Boomkin:
    /assist Thexeclone
    /click ActionButton3

    Boss Macro for Boomkin:
    /assist Thexeclone
    /click ActionButton1
    /click ActionButton2
    /click ActionButton3

    Macro for ActionButton1:
    /cast sequence reset=target Insect Swarm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Macro for ActionButton2:
    /cast sequence reset=target Moonfire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Macro for ActionButton3:
    /castrandom Wrath, Starfire

    I give all credit to EatCarbs. I don't know if he's on this forums, but he's on the other Multiboxing forum. He has an awesome post on how he sets up macros. My explanation doesn't do justice.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by terrhian : 12-07-2009 at 05:35 AM

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