/target [target=toon, exists, nodead] [target=toon, exists, nodead] [target=toon, exists, nodead] [target=toon, exists, nodead] [target=toon, exists, nodead]
/assist target

So if I used this on a /click basically the first toon from above should be my tank and if he exists and is not dead then everyone will target what he is targeting?

Currently I am using /assist <name of toon>

The problem I have noticed is this.

After a fear bomb /assist no longer works I have to change targets for /assist to work again. This is a pain in the button considering I have to use a focus gem in order to turn all my guys. Since /assist stops working after a fear bomb the gem does not work either so they are often facing the wrong direction.

On the last mob in the old kingdom each person is put into a bubble and if you are using /assist it will actually assist your tank in his bubble which does now allow your guys to fight the mobs in their bubble.

Will the above macro address these problems?