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  1. #1

    Default Starting It Back Up Again.....?

    Hey guys long time no see....I gave up dual-boxing a while ago when WOTLK got released got all my shammys to 78 so close....but then gave up due to the fact of not so good gear but now i got a 80 DK with awsum tanking gear...Im thinking is it still worth it. I want to dual box again but heard that there is a new expansion coming out n dont want to level again :P want at least 6months to a year with my shammys at 80. Well give me a shout and tell me so.. Im really thinking of it hehe.

  2. #2


    I'd say go for it. When Bliz actually announces an expansion, you can guess it's probably at least a year off. They haven't even finished with this next major content patch yet, so I think you have time.

    On another note, damn I wish I could hurry up and computers are sitting in my friend's back room and I haven't been able to play for nearly 3 weeks
    Siaea(h), Saiea(h), Seaie(h), Sieae(h), Seiae(h) - H(A) PvP
    Parting, Sadeness, Praetorium, Greetings, Salutations - H PvP
    Mullethead, Auderna, Jestitte, Zelynde, Serlena - H PvP
    Clotte, Tahru, Martitsu, Mikiel, Larain - H PvE
    Bonechewer - PvP - US

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Calgary, AB and Vancouver, BC
    Blog Entries


    The current content patch 3.2... is still on Test.

    Arthas, the main boss on the current expansion is not even part of the 3.2 stuff.

    So, we have however long until 3.2.
    Then we play with that for a while.
    Then we will have a content patch with Arthas.
    Assuming there isn't more content between 3.2 and Arthas.

    At the absolute earliest, an expansion by the Christmas sales season.
    Although I'd think Christmas of next year would be much more likely.

    Definitely search for "Interact With Target".
    And if Jamba was not around when you played last, it rocks.

  4. #4


    Thanks for the reply's just wondering what instances have you guys completed on with Heroic. Just so i know what ones to hit and not to go near

  5. #5


    Well, with shammies and a DK tank heroic Gundrak is pretty simple once you figure out placement (watch Hachoo's videos, he uses the same setup). Culling of Strat is pretty easy as well.
    Siaea(h), Saiea(h), Seaie(h), Sieae(h), Seiae(h) - H(A) PvP
    Parting, Sadeness, Praetorium, Greetings, Salutations - H PvP
    Mullethead, Auderna, Jestitte, Zelynde, Serlena - H PvP
    Clotte, Tahru, Martitsu, Mikiel, Larain - H PvE
    Bonechewer - PvP - US

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