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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by 'zanthor',index.php?page=Thread&postID=214488#post 214488
    Quote Originally Posted by 'Starbuck_Jones',index.php?page=Thread&postID=2144 77#post214477

    I know in these hard economic times people get let go from their jobs and times can be tough. I also know quite a few people who are jobless and have been jobless for an extended period of time. 2+ months. I have a nice job, chair and AC so I cant complain. However I do know that if I got fired or let go, the first thing I would do is walk across the street and get a job at good old Burger King the same day. I don't have to like it, but working there and pulling in min wage while I look for my next job is better than what I see most jobless doing by passing up jobs because they are beneath them.
    I had this same discussion (read fight) with my ex-wife. While we were together I found myself unemployed and she didn't understand why I wouldn't just go get a McJob. The way the math worked out assuming I worked a 40 hour a week job at McDonalds getting a GOOD wage (say $8.50) I'd be losing about $8.50/hour worked over my unemployment insurance. I'd also spend all my time at work so I couldn't properly research positions with other companies and prepare for interviews.

    In my career I've had several points when I was unemployed, and each time I've immediately filed for unemployment and fired up the job-finding-engine known as beating the streets/phonebook/interwebs.

    There is no shame in it, it's insurance that you pay for - and by not using it you are only shorting yourself.
    It's a little different here in Canada. Unemployment Insurance kicks in after about 4 weeks (backdated to 2 weeks after you were let go), and works out to more than minimum wage. Whenever I've been unemployed I figured rather than spend 8 hours a day earning less than what I would earn on UI, I'll spend that 8 hours searching for work, and it's always paid off. The unfortunate thing is there's a maximum amount UI will pay and it's quite low, ridiculously low compared to what I earn, so much so that we couldn't get by on it for long at all. Fortunately the last time I was let go, I found my next job and started it 9 days later, and was still on the six weeks' severance and benefits from my last job (which they gave me in exchange for me agreeing to not file a wrongful dismissal grievance against them), so I was actually collecting two paycheques for five weeks. That was rather nice, but it hurt come tax time the next year, having that double-my-normal-income period of 5 weeks.
    Shadowsong US:
    Moosetracks (surv FORMER raiding main) armory L80
    Mousetracks (assass/combat former raiding main) armory L80
    Background (holy, to be new raiding main) armory L79

    Team A (Level 75) (retired, priest extracted to above)
    Foreground (prot) armory
    Middleground(demo) armory

  2. #2


    Picking up a McJob instead of drawing unemployment is a bad choice for a lot of people. Not only can you be getting less $ but it can hamper your ability to find a new job in your chosen career because it looks bad on your resume (and no amount of explaining is going to make it look good).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Calgary, AB and Vancouver, BC
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    Well, you don't need to include it on your resume.

    If you want, you could easily say you did odd jobs between X date and present, to get by.
    Or just leave your last real job on the resume and not mention the McJob at all.

    To take a rather extreme example.
    Let's say you hated your last job, to the degree that you wanted to quit/be fired, and as a result were late to work almost every day.
    And when you were fired, you got into an arguement with someone and an actual fight occured at the office.
    Sure, this probably would never happen to anyone...

    But, if it did, would you feel obligated to list this as a recent employment reference?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Stabface',index.php?page=Thread&postID=214526#pos t214526
    Picking up a McJob instead of drawing unemployment is a bad choice for a lot of people. Not only can you be getting less $ but it can hamper your ability to find a new job in your chosen career because it looks bad on your resume (and no amount of explaining is going to make it look good).
    You don't have to list every job you've ever had on your resume <wink>

    My resume only lists my IT jobs, it doesn't list any of the McJobs I had as a teen/young adult.
    Shadowsong US:
    Moosetracks (surv FORMER raiding main) armory L80
    Mousetracks (assass/combat former raiding main) armory L80
    Background (holy, to be new raiding main) armory L79

    Team A (Level 75) (retired, priest extracted to above)
    Foreground (prot) armory
    Middleground(demo) armory

  5. #5


    You don't have to list every job, but when a company does a background check and finds you've worked jobs that you didn't list it could be a liability. I realize we have a very diverse demographic here, but for at least some of us, the McJob is a McLiability for sure. That and I still haven't heard a good reason to take a paycut for working when you can maintain a higher income by full time job searching...
    [> Sam I Am (80) <] [> Team Doublemint <][> Hexed (60) (retired) <]
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  6. #6


    PM'd you.
    The poetry that comes from the squaring off between,
    And the circling is worth it,
    Finding beauty in the

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Marathon',index.php?page=Thread&postID=214355#pos t214355
    i spent 11 years in the Army. It was one of the best things that i ever did with my life. And even after being out for almost 7 years it is still opening doors for me. It paid for college, gave me leadership training and just having it on the resume will command respect.
    True that. I never was in the military but I have worked with a lot of military people at my various jobs. Mostly marines and navy, few army. I can definitely say all the military people were really good workers, and were awesome to work with. Most of them went on to find really good private sector jobs, those companies love ex military.
    The poetry that comes from the squaring off between,
    And the circling is worth it,
    Finding beauty in the

  8. #8


    Yea would have been awesome 4 months ago before i had to cancel my 4 accounts but meh. Now i got an awesome job making almost 600 a week but working on getting a second job with an old boss 450 a week under table and only 70 total hrs a week between the two and my weekends off. So i cant wait if i could work a third job from home from the computer when i could and its not a gimmick i would im all about the cash money but who isnt.
    They say spiders have 8 legs well i guess im a rare and unimaginable specimen. Ive got 9 legs and my web comes from that 9th leg. HaHa.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Gurblash',index.php?page=Thread&postID=214490#pos t214490

    Quote Originally Posted by 'zanthor',index.php?page=Thread&postID=214488#post 214488
    There is no shame in it, it's insurance that you pay for - and by not using it you are only shorting yourself.
    I use mine every winter to help compensate for reduced hours. Stupid contractors, I still don't see why they can't pour concrete in the snow!
    So Gurb still lives, I was starting to think a level 85 forum troll had done him in, all the time he is pouring concrete at some RL dungeon. Fenril ismn't nearly as good a target, and gurb does more Deepeessz
    RAF Tour Guide files are obsolete, I went to Zygor
    MultiBoxers play with themselves

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Starbuck_Jones',index.php?page=Thread&postID=2144 77#post214477

    I know in these hard economic times people get let go from their jobs and times can be tough. I also know quite a few people who are jobless and have been jobless for an extended period of time. 2+ months. I have a nice job, chair and AC so I cant complain. However I do know that if I got fired or let go, the first thing I would do is walk across the street and get a job at good old Burger King the same day. I don't have to like it, but working there and pulling in min wage while I look for my next job is better than what I see most jobless doing by passing up jobs because they are beneath them.
    In the past I've applied to multiple jobs that could be viewed as beneath me when I've found myself unemployed (contract ended etc) but fast-food and wal-mart types alike wont even consider me because of my skill set and past salary history. They know that I will leave once I find a job that fits my skill set and normal salary so they'd rather hire folks that they know will stay and need them.

    So it's not as simple as "Hey, I'm unemployed, I'll walk over to BK and get a job today" for many of us. I recall years ago trying to work as a soldering tech once even though my skill set was an electronics tech/troubleshooter. I took the soldering test, they were impressed, inquired of my skills, discovered I was "over qualified" and didn't give me a job. They gave the jobs to the people that they had to train and were under-qualified. It didn't matter to them that I didn't have a job and needed to eat. Back then my skills as an electronics tech vs a soldering tech were quite closer in salary then what I do now and if I attempted to get a job flipping burgers.
    I love the smell of electrocution in the morning!

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