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  1. #1

    Default Keymaps, Maximizer, Window Swapping

    I recently started playing with the built-in Maximizer settings. Up until this point I've always started and configured my maximizer settings manually. When I move my mouse from one machine to another (using Octopus as my software KVM), two of my wow windows will trade places. When I move back to the main computer and off again, they switch back. I played around with it trying to figure out what was different between using Keyclone and doing it Manually and narrowed it down to Keymaps. If I remove the Keymaps from the list of active windows, it no longer happens. Unfortunately, KeyClone loads a blank Keymap seemingly at random and the problem resurfaces (it names the Keymap "kmap (.)")

  2. #2


    when you see kmap(.) ... there are no keymaps loaded. (the left side is region keymap and the right side being the wow specific one)

    there was something when switching systems with octopus. it pushed something to the keyboard. what are your pip swap keys?

  3. #3


    Unset, I've never used the PiP feature.

  4. #4


    ahhhh. i seem to remember now. when octopus changes screens, it seems to send out a NULL key, which matches with the unset pipswap key.

    i thought that was fixed in the v1.9 versions... what version are you running?

  5. #5


    It happened in both the current release (1.9g) and the beta (1.9h)

    Setting the PiP hotkey to something I'll never press (RCTRL+RSHIFT+RALT+F12, hehe) seems to work. It doesn't swap them around anymore. Thanks!

  6. #6


    i went back and indeed the bug was still on the list and had not been shipped with the alpha.

    i have implemented the fix, please verify on beta release (this week)

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