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  1. #1

    Default Multiple multi install Clients

    I wanted to run my other ROM clients from another install. The video settings and other files are kept in the my documents/Runes of Magic Folder.

    I have 1 50/27 warrior/scout and 4 27/20 priest/scouts.

    Main - Lootdrone lvl70 Mage Bloodscalp 5box - Tioget, Tiodrone, Tioluv, Tiogriz, Tiobuzz q9450 - 4gb ram - 8800gt 512 - 400gb hd - 500gb hd

  2. #2


    I don't know what method you are using to multi-box, but with Innerspace, you just have to set it to make virtual files for:

    and GameSettings.ini

    That pretty much lets me do whatever I want with each of my guys completely separately from the others.
    WoW chars: Aboronic Phlayora Phlayorb Phlayore Abahron
    Earthen Ring - US - Alliance
    How to ask questions

  3. #3


    I'll have to try that out. Wasn't innerspace part of a botting program?

    Main - Lootdrone lvl70 Mage Bloodscalp 5box - Tioget, Tiodrone, Tioluv, Tiogriz, Tiobuzz q9450 - 4gb ram - 8800gt 512 - 400gb hd - 500gb hd

  4. #4


    It's a very flexible base program that has had many things done with, for, and to it in the past, but it doesn't come with anything related to botting. I've been using it for months to multibox WoW and for a few weeks multi-boxing RoM.

    With RoM you can very nearly write a bot with the in-game macro tools, they already have auto-buff, auto-heal, and auto-combat addons on Curse, so that's more likely to be the problem in that game.
    WoW chars: Aboronic Phlayora Phlayorb Phlayore Abahron
    Earthen Ring - US - Alliance
    How to ask questions

  5. #5


    Do you need a subscription to use innerspace?

    Main - Lootdrone lvl70 Mage Bloodscalp 5box - Tioget, Tiodrone, Tioluv, Tiogriz, Tiobuzz q9450 - 4gb ram - 8800gt 512 - 400gb hd - 500gb hd

  6. #6


    Yes, it's a subscription, but I consider it a really cheap one: $10/ 3 months or $36/ year. I was already using it for boxing WoW, so it doesn't cost me any extra to use it with RoM also. But if your reason for playing RoM is that you are fundamentally opposed to paying subscriptions, then you may need to find a free software boxing alternative.

    Zanthor has a good base tutorial for setting things up with IS and ISBoxer over here (plus his referer link to sign up with, and see if we can extend his account into the 22nd century):

    It's from his perspective as a wow player, but a whole lot of it translates for RoM, and if you just need a basic repeating profile for RoM with ISBoxer you can start from mine here and change the character names, and window swapping and reapeater on/off keys.
    WoW chars: Aboronic Phlayora Phlayorb Phlayore Abahron
    Earthen Ring - US - Alliance
    How to ask questions

  7. #7


    Cutting my spending is one of my priorities atm. Keyclone handles the majority of what I need, but it would be nice to separate the clients. I'll hold off until I think spending money on RoM is a worthy cause.

    Thanks for taking the time to respond.

    Main - Lootdrone lvl70 Mage Bloodscalp 5box - Tioget, Tiodrone, Tioluv, Tiogriz, Tiobuzz q9450 - 4gb ram - 8800gt 512 - 400gb hd - 500gb hd

  8. #8

    Default ISboxer


    i tried using ISboxer to multibox ROM. I followed the guide zero to hero in 30 min. Configured it for ROM. But when i start ROM from IS i get the message:
    can't initialize C:\runes of magic\client.exe

    Any idea what i misconfigured?

  9. #9


    The thing about RoM, the way I am running it anyway, is it needs to boot through the loader ("Runes of Magic.exe") for each instance, but that loader doesn't work well if you start a second copy before you have clicked through on the "Start Game" option which loads the actual client ("Client.exe").

    So in the ISBoxer setup for the Character set you will need to set the option for "Launch one Character every...seconds" to something very long, at least 15 seconds or more, to give yourself time as each lancher comes up to click through into the game before the next one tries to start.

    How long you set it for will depend a lot on how fast you and your computer are.

    It's also a good idea to make sure the launcher has gotten all the updates installed manually before using IS to load.

    I will try loading my copies up when I get home again tonight anyway, just to make sure it still works. I haven't really been playing much since I hit 80 in WoW.
    WoW chars: Aboronic Phlayora Phlayorb Phlayore Abahron
    Earthen Ring - US - Alliance
    How to ask questions

  10. #10


    Well, now that I got home (early, due to power failure of our office building) and tried it, IS no longer manages to launch RoM properly for me either, looks like an issue for lax...

    The client seems to be doing it's update check slightly differently now also, which might be something related.
    WoW chars: Aboronic Phlayora Phlayorb Phlayore Abahron
    Earthen Ring - US - Alliance
    How to ask questions

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