[quote='moosejaw',index.php?page=Thread&postID=1948 10#post194810]- The sound processing is another sticking point of mine. Your sound options are very limited. You can have software sound by default (recommended) or you can use hardware sound (eax/creative/soundblaster). Hardware sound is a little bit annoying to setup and when I tried to run multiple instances with EAX sound on some very bad things happened. So it shall be software sound from now on. As far as I can tell, you can not disable the sound in EQ2 which is very, very annoying. I turn the sound down on all the slave instances and leave it at that. No doubt a large performace gain could be had if we could somehow disable the software sound processing on all the slaves. [/quote]I "think" that running software sound is supposed to eat up a lot of your CPU.
I'm running mine in hardware mode, and turn all settings I can find down for the slaves.
I just have an onboard sound card.. and I suck at computer stuff (and not at that computer) so I can't remember what it is. :P

I'm not sure what you are using for sound, but I did find this post about [url='http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/posts/list.m?topic_id=406700']Creative's Alchemy program to restore EAX under Windows Vista[/url].

I am still looking for a way to disable the sound completely on the slaves, because every bit of performance helps though.