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  1. #1

    Default Dual Boxing Noob Macro questions

    Okay, so I just started with dual boxing about a month ago. I'm currently leveling up some toons on a new server. I think my favorite duo right now is a NElf Warrior(Main), NElf Druid (assist). I can do pretty well in combat, this is strictly for PvE. My question(s) are what macros can I use to really play them efficiently? I have a target/assist macro and have mapped complimentary powers to similarly bound keys. I also have healing fairly automated. I have a big problem with the Warrior's charge? What should the Druid do at the same time? Anything? I know this is total noob stuff, but I need a little assistance.

    Software Dual Boxer on iMac Dual Core

    Wyrmrest Accord - Cayllais (NElf Warrior), Somova (Nelf Druid)

  2. #2


    I run a pally/druid combo so its some what semilar. I have my judgement key the same as my druids moonfire so when I charge in on a mob I hit that key and it unloads on the mob. I am a clicker at heart so I setup keybinds for most of my druid spells and I just click my pallys conc or Hstrike icon. I dont know warriors that well so they may have more keys to hit. My druid was setup as resto but at like lvl 35 I respected him full balance for moonkin. He still heals very well but this works nicely because my pally can heal as well plus judgements.

    my druid macro keys look like this

    1 follow 2 heal tank 3 heal druid 4 moonfire 5 insect swarm/wrath sequence 6 starfire 7 entangle root 8 Hot tank 9 HoT druid 0 the heal + hot tank - same druid = shadowmmeld

    N1 is buffs for druid N2 is buffs for tank N3 is strafe left so I drop follow if needed for seperation. N4 is mounts N5 is moonkin form N6 is cyclone (I dont use it that much) Typoon is F4 love it.

    my macros are added subtracted or edite daily. New spells always mess everything up. THe more automated you can get the better. My pally is really lacking automation infact it was just a week ago I was dual boxing with two sessions and jumping between two wow sessions to heal and fight thank goodness for programs like jamba and HKN
    Useful links:
    Good information about various addons:[
    Addon Tutorial :
    Jamba Addon(Multiboxer Team Addon):
    HotkeyNet(Free keystroke/mouse software:

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