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  1. #1

    Default Anybody play during the day?

    I'm curious to see if anyone else plays during the day. I play from around 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. CST US. When WoW came out I lived in Alaska so it was easier for me to raid and carry on, but now I'm back in the 'lower 48' I can't find any US Guilds that raid during the time I'm online.
    "My dogs could roll heroics with how a lot of you play."
    - Fursphere 2010

  2. #2


    Not me, except today because I'm "working from home"
    Blood Elf Death Knight, 4 Orc Shaman - Burning Legion Horde US (PvP)
    Ellianaa - Haachoo - Hachu - Hachuu - Hahchoo

    Heroics down: Gundrak, Drak'Tharon, Utgarde Keep, Utgarde Pinnacle, Culling of Stratholme, Halls of Lightning, Ahn'Kahet, Violet Hold, Nexus, Azjol-Nerub, Halls of Stone

  3. #3


    HAHA I "work from home" often these days too.

  4. #4


    Since moving to Seattle and putting up with its lovely climate, I've been out sick about a thousand times. The last time, I was in an (awesome) state between being too sick to go to work and too sick to remain upright, so ended up binging on WoW all day. I felt like I was twelve again, faking a stomach ache so I could stay home and watch cartoons. It was awesome, feeling awful, but not *too awful.
    MY MINIONS on Lightbringer US: Osaar (80 BE Paladin) - Esaar, Isaar, and Usaar (80 BE Warlocks) - Harmsworth (80 UD Priest)

  5. #5

    Default Wednesday

    I'm off work on Tuesday and Wedesday. Tuesday is online college course work day and wow maintenance day. Wednesday is my 'magic' wow day. I can actually quest and level.... the rest of the week I can only really play wow for a few hours in the evening and most of that is spent on heroics and raiding with the guild.
    Hunter/D. Priest 60.........70.........80
    ProtPally + Holy 60.........70.........80
    Boomkin + Shamen 60.........70.........80

  6. #6


    Im close to what HPB said. I play in the morning before work. Usally from 10am ish to 11:00am ish. I try and get some quick dailies out of the way or go mining or something. Then I usally play after work from 11pm to when I decide to quit. 1am usally. My days off are teusday and wednesday. Teusday is down time day so I get all my weeks work done like shopping, bills etc and I also have my night class that day so not a lot of playing gets done. Wednesday is the one day a week I can sit down and grind out anything thats needs more time than I have in the mornings.

  7. #7


    I am unable to play in the evenings, so most of my time is in the morning. (Well normally, dont play right now.)

  8. #8


    Nah, I work 5 week rotating shift. Sometimes I work 4 days in a row, sometimes I work 4 nights in a row. It's really weird and I often just send an excel file to friends so they can figure out when Im available.

  9. #9


    nice. wish I had a guild that did that, but it's kinda moot now since I dont play.

  10. #10


    That would be cool to see, definitely fraps it if you can!

    edit: and it appears we derailed this thread, lol.

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