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  1. #1

    Default Need help setting up macros for a Druid and Priest duo

    I posted this elsewhere, but I deleted the post because I think it was the wrong section... anyway!

    I've been trying to set up a druid and priest duo. I've done the recruit-a-friend business with two accounts and want to level two characters at once, then grant my levels to two more characters, essentially. But anyways!

    I was working just fine yesterday, but now it seems my priest isn't doing anything at all. Keep in mind I actually just started this all yesterday, and after several hours of fooling around and meeting someone helpful enough to explain some macros to me in-game, I got going for a while.

    However, today is a different story. I'm not sure what I did, but the priest no longer attacks when I tell her to.

    I have the following macros on each character:

    button 1 = follow (left it blank; this is my 'reminder' button so I can push it every time I move so the priest follows)
    button 2 = /target enemy
    button 3 = /cast Wrath

    button 1 = /follow Druid
    button 2 = /focus Druid
    button 3 = /cast [target=focus, nodead, harm] Smite

    This combo seemed to be working fine yesterday, but now it doesn't. Maybe I'm mistyping something or accidentally conflicting something, but I have no idea. Some help would greatly be appreciated!

    If you have a suggestion for a better combintation of macros too, that would be appreciated. This is pretty ghetto at the moment, hahaha.

    Thanks very much.

  2. #2


    Try /cast [target=focustarget, nodead, harm]

    You're currently telling your priest to cast a spell on your focus, which you have set on your druid. Since you can't harm your druid, it won't cast the spell.
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  3. #3


    I dualed my holy priest/boomer from 70. I think you are wasting 1 and 2 keys in earlier levels it doesnt matter but once you get more spells you want all the keys you can get. i personally have my follow macro bound to [ key for all my combo's. \ is to drink/eat and ] is for buffs, but that is all down to personal preferance. I used /assist /cast macros as it was my first multiboxing attemt so now i would change that to focus based ones. moonfire/sw pain, insect swarm/devouring plague, smite/wrath and holy fire/starfie was the bread and butter spells i usually used, there were a few issues with timings of smite and wrath being out and to get them aligned means gimping your dps a bit unless you keep button mashing, i found there were quite a few times the priest was just standing there. This is all off the top of my head as i haven't played them for a while and im at work. i had my druid as main and priest as follower. I would spec the priest holy or disc and for ease go balance with druid, feral/caster is a little harder to do than 2 caster so i would keep it simple to start with GL, i had great fun with my priest/druid.

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