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  1. #1

    Default Pally Macro using /click and castrandom

    Having been a long time proponent of not using macros for my pally and being reasonably vocal on the subject on this board, here's my about turn lol. The macros presented here for tankadins just didn't seem to cut it for me as there were pretty big gaps where HS just didn't come up, so with no more further ado, here's my 1 button 9696969 tanking macro any thoughts appreciated

    With a tanking macro I don't want any randomness, I want HS to be always up and I want spells cast as soon as they're ready so that 96969 is carried out. It has to be mashabble.

    My rotation is:
    Holy Shield,Avenging Wrath,Hammer of the Righteous,Judegement of Light,Shield of Righteousness,Consecration,some instant cast random spell

    you need to create 8 macros, 1 for each spell and 1 /click controller, I put all these macros on the right side bar except for the controller which is just bound in bindpad

    controller macro

    /click MultiBarLeftButton1
    /click MultiBarLeftButton2
    /click MultiBarLeftButton3
    /click MultiBarLeftButton4
    /click MultiBarLeftButton5
    /click MultiBarLeftButton6
    /click MultiBarLeftButton7

    and the macros in order

    1 - Holy Shield
    /castrandom Holy Shield,

    2 - Avenging Wrath <-- instant cast so doesn't affect the rotation too much
    /castrandom avenging wrath,

    3 - Hammer of the Righteous
    /castrandom Hammer of the righteous,

    4 - Judgement
    /castrandom Judgement of Light,

    5 - Shield of Righteousness
    /castrandom Shield of Righteousness,

    6 - Consecration
    /castrandom consecration,

    7- a little instant cast macro I grabbed from somewhere on this board
    /castrandom exorcism, cleanse, hammer of wrath, Avenging wrath, Avenger's Shield,divine plea,

    place these on the right action bar in the same order and bind the controller to the same key as your team DPS key. I've found that this works pretty well. The nice thing is that you can see your rotation and easily swap in/out spells without changing macros by just swapping in another spell on the bar.

    A typical boss pull for me is to manually Avengers Shield, Consecrate and SoR to build threat - then just start mashing this macro.

    edit: it's important to remember to put a comma at the end of the castrandom otherwise /click won't move to the next spell

  2. #2


    why the /castrandom in macros that only contain one spell? why not just a castsequence macro? or does this let you skip past spells that can't be cast right now, for whatever reason?

    edit: I see why not a castsequence macro. this allows you to essnetially have multiple spells in one non-castsequence macro, so it'll go down the list and cast whatever's available, in order. is this also the reason they're /castrandom? (I've never used /castrandom before, excuse my ignorance.)

  3. #3


    I think it will move past the current /castrandom every time it tries to cast the <blank> spell. Otherwise, it would stay stuck on the first macro even if the spell was on cooldown. It seems though that you have a 50% chance of moving past the first spell even if it hasn't cast yet?
    80 Blood Elf Paladin, 80 Blood Elf Priest,80 Troll Mage, 80 Undead Warlock, 80 Tauren Druid, 80 Undead Rogue
    80 x4 Shaman (Orc x3, Troll)

    Madoran - Horde - PvE

  4. #4


    If I had to guess a castsequence will halt if the spell is cast unsuccessfully.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Starbuck_Jones',index.php?page=Thread&postID=1880 73#post188073
    If I had to guess a castsequence will halt if the spell is cast unsuccessfully.
    Yup. Been playing with it for the last hour or so now, it works well.

  6. #6


    sorry for the lateness of the reply yes it allows you to drop through to the next available, hopefully in order and allows some flexibility with spells without having to change your macro

  7. #7


    So Sim, I'm assuming you aren't concerned about maintaining a cast order with the 50% chance of moving through each step without casting that step's spell?

    I'm interested in getting my Pally heroic tanking macro into a single button. I'm using 2 atm and only using 4 spells in total between them.
    80 Blood Elf Paladin, 80 Blood Elf Priest,80 Troll Mage, 80 Undead Warlock, 80 Tauren Druid, 80 Undead Rogue
    80 x4 Shaman (Orc x3, Troll)

    Madoran - Horde - PvE

  8. #8


    not so much no, as long as it grabs the next available 6 or the next available 9 then it's ok, I'm mashing this like crazy - I've definately seen an improvement over the other pally tanking macros - the collosus in grundrak was alway a bit of a pain for me and there was a 40%ish chance I'd wipe - not now as I'm keeping the threat up nicely. The reason I switched from controlling the pally manually was that my shaman dps wasn't what it could be and have seen an real improvement there now that I don't have to think about what the pally should be doing next, also there's a lot of flexibilty being able to throw in the odd HoJ without breaking the sequence too much.

  9. #9


    i use something silimar to this:

    Pally 1 button Tank macro

    I have 3 buttons in total for my macro.

    Works a treat, never have issues generating threat.

    it results in a 1 button spam fest on every fight, if i need healing i press "1".

    So i've basically cleared half a dozen heroics using two buttons. "Q" and "1". Easy. :0
    Tilce x 4
    Twisting Nether EU - Horde

  10. #10


    If that's working for you and you're happy with it, more power to you. I am moderatley curious how efficient that ends up being, since judgement and consecration are so far behind I don't see them firing off as often as the should. (I estimate Judgement has only a 1/16 chance to cast and consecration a 1/32). Personally, I have more or less 2 buttons for the whole thing: 1 that includes the /click for the other button while having a 50% chance of firing off a long cooldown ability, and the one that gets /clicked that is a 96969 rotation.

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