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  1. #1

    Default Equipment advice needed

    Hi everyone.

    Im playing an ProtPaly with 541 defence. My wife is 4 boxing shamans. The damageoutput of the shamans is very good, but my Paladin is

    dying like he is wearin no armor (in easy heroics).

    Anyone got an idea whats wrong with this equip/talents?

    Thanks in advance for the advices.

    Greetings Hertome

    Currently Boxing:

    Paladin / Mage / Shaman / Shaman / Priest

  2. #2


    I started doing heroics yesterday.
    Had the same problem during the first 5 minutes.

    Then I figured that I had to just lower the healing shaman spell throttling by one cast. Usually my healing shaman heal macto was LHW,,, I just removed one coma ( , ) and that fixed it.
    Ocassionally I have to hit riptide on difficult pulls, but that's very rare.

    Make sure you have your Holy shield always up on the pala.

    I run a tankadin + 3 DPS + dedicated healer.
    My usual pre fight buffs are the earth totems for strength and armor + earth shield on the pala. Then he pulls the mobs. If there are 4 or more mobs I toss also riptide on him before he pulls.

    The main problem I saw is that my pala has tho handle the initial onslaught after pulling during the first 4 seconds of the fight when all the mobs start hammering him and the first heal has still not arrived. After these first 4 -5 seconds he tends to stay almost always at full HP.

    My totems / blessings is the following:

    Pala --> blessing of sanctuary + seal of light. Judgement of light is in the tanking rotation. You may be surprised how much extra Hp does seal of light + constant judgement of light generate. Also retribution aura is used, except on some boss fights where shadow resist aura does good, like ingvar in UK.
    Shamans --> Water shield + mana totems. I know that most people prefer to use healing totems, but as long as my healer has mana the pala is practically unkillable, so for me mana = more healing to the pala = everyone else lives.

    What did I accomplish so far?
    Heroic Utgarde Keep --> cleared
    Heroic Grundrak --> killed the mamooth boss. Tried the heroic only boss too, but he wiped me after enraging, so he is not an option for now.
    Heroic Hals Of Lightning --> First two bosses with their respective achievements. I did this run only for these bosses achievements. (Lightning stuck and shatter resistant ones). Wanted to make these achievements before getting good gear because most people just say there are impossible with my crappy gear... they were wrong

    Naxx 10... Yes, naxx 10 --> reached Patchwerk with only my 5 toons. The ooze room was pure pain to bypass, but I found that sacrificing my earh elementals and my pala at the end I could just run past them and then divine intervention or sacrifice... (the spell that kills tha pala and removes a party member from combat). Patchwerk oneshoted me and I didn't try again because it was just a test run.
    On this one had to remove another coma from my healer healing macro to ensure that he spams healing all the time. Had to wait for mana recovery after every fight, but didn't die after a bad pull that pulled 4 of the mini-patchwerk golems in the room before the oozes.

    So, basically, with the same (or worse) gear and my shamans severely undergeared I just had to force more healing spam on the tank to be viable in heroics. Of course, a bad pull and usually it's a wipe, but that's what heroics are for

    This is my tankadin:

    This is my healer:

    These are my DPSers (note the crappy gear):

    I have an offheal macro on the DPSers that cast chain heal on themselves. This usually makes fights like Ingvar in UK very easy becayse then shamans drop on HP after the shouts I just hit that macro and they heal themselves to full HP again. the healer takes the residual heal from the 3 x chain heal and never stops healing the tank. He only casts LHW in instances and ocassional riptides... nothing else.

    Once I get properly geared I will probably switch the healing shaman to DPS too, but for now it's just not a viable option.

    I used Thrym in Zul Darak (the 650k HP elite) to tune my macros when I was lvl 75. At lvl 80 he is still a viable target dummy, but he goes down too fast and doesn't give enough punch to compare different setups unless your tank is half naked.
    Anachronos EU
    Loladunus --> Paladin Tank (PvE) || Xuljin --> Shaman DPS (PvP)
    Buljin, Nuljin, Muljin --> Shaman DPS
    Tuljin --> Shaman Healer
    Chogup --> Powerwar's imp

  3. #3


    Forgot to say... my healer macro uses the tank target of target, so if the tank loses aggro or it happens to be some aggro dumping boss or mob, then the healer heals the tanks target target... that could be some of my DPS toons.

    Found that this setup makes it really easy to keep my other toons alive even on aggro dumping bosses or if the tank is slacking a bit.
    Anachronos EU
    Loladunus --> Paladin Tank (PvE) || Xuljin --> Shaman DPS (PvP)
    Buljin, Nuljin, Muljin --> Shaman DPS
    Tuljin --> Shaman Healer
    Chogup --> Powerwar's imp

  4. #4


    You just need more healing until you find items with a wider stat distribution : Block, parry & dodge etc. (I can't link anything, silly US wowarmory is down hehe)

    Powerwar <-- pretty much what he just said :P

  5. #5


    Well i had the same problem like you have right now..i was wiping in every heroic i tryed. i even specced a shaman resto but like the other tryes!! it ended up with a big facepalm :cursing:

    so i simply made 2 macros for healing i dont use focus/target casting just macros like this

    /cast [target=Ziqo] Lesser Healing Wave "All shamans have this macro it just simply heals my tank"

    And to heal my shamans i have each toon set up to cast Chainheal on a diffrent toon like this "apaa > apab > apae > apad"

    i had crap gear in the beginning to.... but finally i started to clear one heroic after the other.....the bosses took a bit longer to get down but hey i finally managed to get them down :thumbsup:

    the only Heroics that i havent cleared are HoL, HoS, "dont have flying mount on my toons inch:" and AN the last boss i get OOM at 20-25 %

    Ziqo, Apaa, Apab, Apae, Apad <Aggramar Eu >

  6. #6


    maybe pick up ardent defender till yeh get yer armor sorted out?

    Heroics are suppose to be hard :P
    untill yeh start getting better gear that is :P

  7. #7


    The spec of my pally is pretty similar to yours but I have the JC stuff which adds quite a bit of stamina:

  8. #8

    Default RE: Equipment advice needed

    Quote Originally Posted by 'hertome',index.php?page=Thread&postID=187151#post 187151
    Hi everyone.

    Im playing an ProtPaly with 541 defence. My wife is 4 boxing shamans. The damageoutput of the shamans is very good, but my Paladin is

    dying like he is wearin no armor (in easy heroics).

    Anyone got an idea whats wrong with this equip/talents?

    Thanks in advance for the advices.

    Greetings Hertome
    Drop the talents in Benediction and take argent defender instead, do you realy think you can convince me that you have mana issues with that gear? Get the glyph that adds 2% extra mana gained from heals!

    Vindication isnt bad agains trash either..

    What do you struggle on? Is it the actuall bosses or the trash packs? 4 shamans = 4 hex.. You paladin can fear undeads aswell as stun them!

    Dont socket str with your gear, socket stamina and avoidance. Fetch the items that gives buff to shoulders and head!

    No matter what people say, respeccing one shaman resto is helping alot.

    Are you using sacred shield on yourself??? It realy absorb a nice amount of damage!

    My gear is about the same as you thought i have 5% higher avoidance.. With Earth shield,riptide and sacred shield i barley need heals against most trash!
    Northrend Dungeon Hero -
    PvP incomming in 3.1

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Rated Arena Member daviddoran's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Southern California


    You should also be using Devotion aura, I didnt look up your armory (at work) but you should be specced into improved devo aura. It adds a lot of mitigation, and makes the healing go further. You dont need more threat, or more damage. That is, of course unless your wifes shamans are geared to the teeth. If thats the case, just have them hold off a bit during the start of the pull and then you should be fine. Paladins have way more aggro aquiring abilities now, 1 actual taunt, one semi taunt, plus a ranged attack or 2.

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