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  1. #1

    Default Vehicle-boxing and FTL. Malygos down while quad-boxing.

    So yesterday I did Malygos and only me (four) and two others made it into phase 3. I was the only one dps'ing and we killed Malygos 6 man in phase 3. World first Malygos boxer without screwing up in phase 3? :P Anyhow, here's my macro's, and how I vehicle-box with my FTL set up.

    I lost one character at 10% die to stupidity on using the shield on the wrong alt. But the other three lived until the downing and each had 18 stacks of Engulf in Flames on Malygos. :>
    Massive dps!

    Macro's I use to multibox in Malygos.

    Standard issue DPS button. For example, I like to have Flame Spike on the same button as 
    Lightning Bolt without having to destroy my FTL set up:
    #showtooltip Lightning Bolt
    /cast Flame Spike
    /use 13
    /cast Lightning Bolt
    #showtooltip Lava Burst
    /cast Engulf in Flames
    /cast Lava Burst
    #showtooltip Flame Shock
    /cast Revivify
    /cast Flame Shock
    A seperate non broadcasted button per every character you own and a way to 
    identify which alt is shielded. (There's a way to avoid needing the shield if you have a 
    healer that times Life Burst at the right time! This might be easier to manage, but 
    ideally you should try to learn and use the shield. You could also use the shield on all at the same time, but this could also be considered a waste of energy! Just have to figure out what works best for you. If you 8-box or something, I'd prolly go for using shield for all on the same time. :P But for me, 4-boxing, it was managable to do it manually for the one that needed it.)
    /target focustarget 
    /cast Flame Shield
    (need to be able to read the combo points, hence the target)
    #showtooltip Lightning Bolt
    /focus [nomod:ctrl,nomod:alt,mod:shift,target=Canilka][mod:alt,mod:shift,nomod:ctrl,target=Canllka][mod:ctrl,mod:alt,mod:shift,target=Canlika]
    /target focustarget
    /cast Flame Spike
    /use 13
    /cast Lightning Bolt
    #showtooltip Lava Burst
    /focus [nomod:ctrl,nomod:alt,mod:shift,target=Canilka][mod:alt,mod:shift,nomod:ctrl,target=Canllka][mod:ctrl,mod:alt,mod:shift,target=Canlika]
    /target focustarget
    /cast Engulf in Flames
    /cast Lava Burst
    Follow slave button:
    /focus [nomod:ctrl,nomod:alt,mod:shift,target=Canilka][mod:alt,mod:shift,nomod:ctrl,target=Canllka][mod:ctrl,mod:alt,mod:shift,target=Canlika]
    /follow focus

    A few explanations.

    1. Why clearfocus within every button?
    - For me it seemed to bug sometimes specifically when switching alts. (New focus not being registered right, or something.). This keeps it clean, tested and works very well. Cleartarget is not a neccesity, I just like my targets clean on my alts.
    2. What's up with targetlastenemy?
    - Well, the whole idea behind this is that your alts keep dpsing when your main is incapacitated and loses its target (for the other clients). In Malygos you won't have need for this. However, it's part of my macro set up so I left it in anyways. :P
    3. So, it works to have two casts in one macro?
    - Apparantly so! I can cast normally without noticing any change in set up in P1 and 2 and in P3 it's like my bar changed to a posession bar, but with FTL capabilities!
    4. Why /target focustarget and not [target=focustarget]?
    - Because unfortunatly this won't work. This has to do with the combo points and the drake. You need to actually physically target malygos or you won't be able to apply engulf of flames. Which is essential.
    5. Well, I use posession bars, what's wrong with that?
    -Absolutely nothing, however, when using an FTL set up, not only is it a PAIN to set up, it seems buggy when working with 2 posession bars, macro's and keybinds on such bars according to the FTL standards. (At least for me). Whilest this is a easy way to set up and works 100% foolproof!
    6. Or there any downsides to this then to any conventional FTL set up using target instead of focus?
    - Yes. Clearly, this will use up your focus, so it can not be used for other means. So that is it's weakness. It's basicly a TL set up. However, since vehicle boxing requires focus, you have to ask yourself what to do! I'd say do like me. Use the conventional target FTL system for anything else and have a profile stored for every vehicle encounter you might come across with focus. Get the best of both worlds!

    I use macaroon and saved profile for Malygos or Oculus but all macro's are of similar makings. I believe this write up should be sufficient for people with the FTL set up, and therefor expected to have a pretty decent understanding on how macro's function.

    Hope it is of use.
    Slowly crawling back towards the experience that is Multiboxing Mayhem

  2. #2


    Brilliant!Someday I'd like to try it. Right now me and Mister Malygos are kind of not speaking to eachother, after an eight-hour fight last night.

  3. #3



    But respect for hanging in that long! ;D
    Slowly crawling back towards the experience that is Multiboxing Mayhem

  4. #4


    Nice strat! Will have to try it when I get there.

  5. #5


    Oh, one other thing that is important, there is a bug with malygos (not multibox related, everyone has it) that if you spam your shield, you will only get the shield for about one second. It is important you wait for enough energy and just click once. Or click a few times at short intervals to prevent spamming to make sure your shield lasts as long as the combo points.

    This is due to the fact that when you spam shield real fast, your shiled will go off the first time and take away the combo points, and then on the click after shield goes off again, but without combo points, and your shield fails and drops. ie. Severlag. At least that's what I think is the problem. :P Just don't spam shield.
    Slowly crawling back towards the experience that is Multiboxing Mayhem

  6. #6


    For P3 there's no reason to use the shield if you have assigned healers. Using the shield will make your dot fall off if you are unlucky or didn't conserve energy to start.

    As a dps all you have to do is:
    - make a macro "/castsequence reset=combat Revivify,Flame Spike,Flame Spike,Engulf in Flames" and tie it to a key (not from the main bar as this one will be overwritten).
    - target Malygos
    - make sure auto self cast is on in interface/combat
    - spam that button!

    As a healer:
    - target yourself
    - build combo points on yourself (4-5)
    - use the big heal

    As a raid:
    - group up close together
    - move whenever one of those electrical cloud things is on the raid (make sure you all stay together)
    - stay 30 yards away from Maly but no more then 60

    For 10 man you should need 2 healers, for 25 5 healers can easily do it or even 4.

    As dps you could also leave out the revivify, which would increase dps, but will also remove a small safety. It will stack the dot every 8 seconds instead of every 9. (/castsequence reset=combat Flame Spike,Flame Spike,Engulf in Flames)

    As a boxer this should be somewhat easier as well cause you don't have to worry much about what buttons to push, just spam one and keep your drakes together.

  7. #7


    No shield? His beam does a lot of damage.
    Slowly crawling back towards the experience that is Multiboxing Mayhem

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Kaynin',index.php?page=Thread&postID=179243#post1 79243
    No shield? His beam does a lot of damage.
    Nope, never shield. It does indeed do a lot of damage, on 25 it's 72k over 3 sec if I remember correctly (12k/0.5s). But using the big heals you can get topped fast and you'll be back at 100k health. A 5-combo point big heal would heal everyone in range (not just in your group) for 22500 considering the caster has the 50% increased healing buff.

    When we first killed him we did shield, but we wiped a lot more as well because a lot of stacks would fall off. Doing it the way I described above makes dpsing pretty much idiot proof and healing isn't that much harder either, just gotta mash some more buttons.

  9. #9


    I'll try that next time.

    At the moment, I always used shield on a 2 count of flame spike on the designated character and Engulf on a three-count, but it is indeed quite hard to manage. If shield isn't needed it's like 10 times easier. :P

    1-1-1-2 normal rotation but when I need shield on one


    That way you dont loose the debuff. The ones not shielding just get a 5 combo pointed Engulf.

    If what you say is managable without needing shield, the debuff will also stack quicker which makes the fight not only easier to manage, but also quicker.

    So you're saying 3-1-1-2-repeat? I found only 2 combo points for engulf made shielding impossible, but heh, without needing shield, it should work.. Interesting.. >.>
    Slowly crawling back towards the experience that is Multiboxing Mayhem

  10. #10


    Yup, just go with 2 combo points and use engulf. That gives you 10 seconds to do the next engulf and you only need 8-9 (depending whether you're using revivify or not).

    When I first proposed doing it without shielding we went 3-1-1-2, but lately some of us are skipping the revivify going 1-1-2 and we don't seem to die cause of it. The overall damage with 1-1-2 seems about 15-20% higher then 3-1-1-2 rotation.

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