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  1. #1

    Default Would someone with experience using FTL please update the wiki with the new focus-follow for vehicles

    I know it's sort of been explained in a thread or two about how an individual user has been able to make it work. But would someone who actually has done this and is willing, please update the wiki for those of us who need to be coddled aka spoon-fed step by step instructions including the actual coding of the macros they use to make it work and a couple of useful examples. Old dogs like me have trouble learning new tricks.

    Woof woof...means ty very much
    (Paladin) - Level 80 - Halestoarm - Wildhammer US PVP
    4 x (Shamans) - Level 80 - Imprue Impiper Imphoebe Impaige "The Charmed Ones"

  2. #2


    It basicly works like this.


    /focus [nomod:ctrl,nomod:alt,mod:shift,target=Toon1][mod:ctrl,nomod:alt,mod:shift,target=Toon2][mod:ctrl,mod:alt,mod:shift,target=Toon3]
    (basicly you do your ftl macro /target blah blah and turn it into /focus blah blah. You should understand this if you have set up ftl already. If not, please tell. :P )
    /follow focus
    /assist focus (or /target focustarget)
    /castsequence Flame Spike, Flame Spike, Engulf in Flames

    /focus [nomod:ctrl,nomod:alt,mod:shift,target=Toon1][mod:ctrl,nomod:alt,mod:shift,target=Toon2][mod:ctrl,mod:alt,mod:shift,target=Toon3]
    /follow focus
    /cast Flame Shield

    /focus [nomod:ctrl,nomod:alt,mod:shift,target=Toon1][mod:ctrl,nomod:alt,mod:shift,target=Toon2][mod:ctrl,mod:alt,mod:shift,target=Toon3]
    /follow focus
    /tar pet (target your own drake, can also do for example /target partypet1 which will taregt party1's pet. Etc.)
    /castsequence Revivify, Revivify, Life Burst

    These three FTL macro's I use for malygos atm.

    A few notes:
    -you can NOT target the person on the drake, however, you CAN /assist them. (Thankfully!) But like, /target Toon1-target for example will not work. Focustarget or assist only.
    -To target your own drake for helpful spells you can do /target pet
    -you can also do /target partypetN or raidpetN where N is the number of the person in the raid to target their pet. This would be specifically handy for oculus, doing the last boss with a conventional drake set up, you ruby drake would need most healing, set him as party leader and heal him with an emeral or two with /target partypet1.
    Or if you do 2 amber 2 ruby 1 healer on platform set up, set ruby drakes in party one and two so you can actually alt the healer on the platform, if going for the emerald void achievement, etc.

    The annoying bit is to set up the bars, which takes time. I use macaroon, I have two 6 button bars on which I have the 6 binds I want to also use for vehicles and the second bar is the 6 binds that correspend with the first bars FTL set up. All other macro's etc I have on seperate bars from those two bars.

    Then I add the possession thingy in the macaroon bar set up for both these two bars. And make a custom macro set for each vehicle or fight, save them in profiles, and that's it.

    PS: I'm not very good at updating wiki's. Lazyness prolly. :<
    Slowly crawling back towards the experience that is Multiboxing Mayhem

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