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  1. #1

    Default Macro that if targeting self use barkskin, if targeting another player then heal

    I'm currently multiboxing with three moonkins using an FTL setup through HotKeyNet. Often in a PvE environment one of my moonkins pulls the aggro and I would like to heal using the other two moonkins. Currently whomever I choose to heal all three moonkins will shapeshift and start casting a heal at that target. What I would like to do is have a macro that tests to see if the target to be healed is itself... if so, then I want to stay in moonkin form and just cast barkskin while the other two shapeshift and heal.

    My current macro is:

    MACRO 12 "Healing Touch" Spell_Nature_HealingTouch
    /assist [mod:ralt,mod:rctrl]Owltoid;[mod:ralt,nomod:rctrl]Owlive;[nomod:ralt,mod:rctrl]Weirdowl
    /cast Healing Touch(Rank 12)

    Using the FTL setup I just have the different mods being sent depending on which WoW window is active at the time. If we assume Owltoid is the active, and we assume that Weirdowl is the target taking damage, then how can I add the conditional statement so that both Owltoid and Owlive heal Weirdowl while Weirdowl casts barkskin (staying in moonkin form)? I'm hoping that this works since I plan to use in PvP as well.
    Owltoid, Thatblueguy, Thisblueguy, Otherblueguy, Whichblueguy

  2. #2


    To help clarify a little bit, is there any way that Weirdowl can check to see if his current target is himself? If he is targeting himself, then cast barkskin. If he is targeting something else, then cast healing touch.
    Owltoid, Thatblueguy, Thisblueguy, Otherblueguy, Whichblueguy

  3. #3


    /cast [target=player] barkskin; [target=help]Healing Touch(Rank 12); [target=harm] PEWPEWPEW

    First checks to see if you're targetting you - if so, barkskin... if not, checks to see if target is help, healing touch... you could also add if your target is a baddy, then DIE DIE DIE.

    Disclaimer - untested, I'm bored and at work.
    Resto Shaman + 4 DK's, work in progress...
    Teezy/Jaqblaq @ Stormrage
    Emeritus Guardian and Keeper of the no focus manifesto.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Zzyzxx71',index.php?page=Thread&postID=161011#pos t161011
    /cast [target=player] barkskin; [target=help]Healing Touch(Rank 12); [target=harm] PEWPEWPEW

    First checks to see if you're targetting you - if so, barkskin... if not, checks to see if target is help, healing touch... you could also add if your target is a baddy, then DIE DIE DIE.

    Disclaimer - untested, I'm bored and at work.
    Thank you! I thought it may be something relatively basic, and I hope this works. For some reason I thought the [target=player] actually sets the target to the player instead of just a conditional true/false. If this works then it should be some easy tweaks to incorporate into FTL and then I'm off. Thanks again!
    Owltoid, Thatblueguy, Thisblueguy, Otherblueguy, Whichblueguy

  5. #5


    Since I'm also at work, do you know offhand if the [target=self] is an actual command? I'm trying to keep my macro file identical for the three druids and if I can avoid Weirdowl's macro looking like [target=Weirdowl] the it would be preferable.
    Owltoid, Thatblueguy, Thisblueguy, Otherblueguy, Whichblueguy

  6. #6


    I know that [target=player] is used in many self bandage macros for warriors (concussion blow, immediately target self, use bandage kinda thing) so no reason I can see it wouldn't apply here.
    Resto Shaman + 4 DK's, work in progress...
    Teezy/Jaqblaq @ Stormrage
    Emeritus Guardian and Keeper of the no focus manifesto.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Zzyzxx71',index.php?page=Thread&postID=161018#pos t161018
    I know that [target=player] is used in many self bandage macros for warriors (concussion blow, immediately target self, use bandage kinda thing) so no reason I can see it wouldn't apply here.
    Ah, I was thinking that "player" meant enter "Weirdowl" in the "player" spot. Instead it seems that it means what I was hoping when I mentioned [target=self]. Thanks again for the help! Damn holidays/girlfriend commitments will keep me from testing it out for a couple days. Merry f'n Christmas!
    Owltoid, Thatblueguy, Thisblueguy, Otherblueguy, Whichblueguy

  8. #8


    Unfortunately [target=player] does not work. I think the problem is that the brackets contain true/false statements. The setting of target=player just automatically sets the current target to the player instead of checking to see if it's true. For instance, I think this would always fail [target=player,harm] because it returns a [true, false] since setting the target to player is allowed, but now that player is not a harmful target. I have to log, but does anyone know how to add contitional statements to check to see if the target is myself? If so, cast barkskin, if not, cast heal?

    Owltoid, Thatblueguy, Thisblueguy, Otherblueguy, Whichblueguy

  9. #9


    just use mod:alt

    or mod:shift

    or mod:ctrl.

    no need to actually target myself. saves me so much time.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by 'elsegundo',index.php?page=Thread&postID=161085#po st161085
    just use mod:alt

    or mod:shift

    or mod:ctrl.

    no need to actually target myself. saves me so much time.
    Thanks for trying to help, but I don't think you're talking about doing the same thing as I am. I'm trying to figure out a way to build a macro so that it's smart enough to know if the player is targeting themself. Since I don't know which of the three druids is going to take damage (from either aggro or in PvP who they're focus firing) I want the macro to be smart enough to say "I was told to cast a healing spell on myself. Instead of doing that I will cast barkskin and therefore retain the armor bonus from moonkin form while the other two druids heal me." Yes, I could keybind my healing touch three different ways so that if I'm quick enough I can push the right button and heal the guy getting hurt, but I'd rather have one healing touch button and have the druids figure out if they're supposed to be the target of the heal or if they're supposed to heal something else.

    I know there must be a way, but I don't know if it will involve /script. I'm hoping for some advanced macro help.

    Owltoid, Thatblueguy, Thisblueguy, Otherblueguy, Whichblueguy

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