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  1. #1

    Default Focus your focus's focus

    Hallo... I'm multiboxing warrior/priest
    I've set my spells up so all my heals are on shift and they always heal the focus.

    I want to set up a macro to focus NAME's focus

    and another one to target NAME's focus

    Any help here would be hot!



    target your warrior's focus


    focus your warrior's focus

  2. #2


    did you try the wiki?
    Bot (80 Paladin) / Carfire (80 Shaman)
    Alliance, Madoran US

  3. #3

    Default aye

    and I didn't find anything about it. It shouldn't be too complicated.

    Otherwise, would it be illegal to read from Wow's memory and find the targetname parameter and transfer it to /focus parameter on the clone?

  4. #4


    Otherwise, would it be illegal to read from Wow's memory and find the targetname parameter and transfer it to /focus parameter on the clone?
    I would guess, yes,it is illegal. I'm saying this because of two reasons:
    1. Reading the WoW-Memory for me sounds not ok (but i may be wrong)
    2. even if 1. is ok, what you implementing, you can't do within wow itself (there is no way to simply identify the focus of another player), and therefor seems against the tos..

    ..a way you could do macro1 this withing game actions would be:

    1. let the warrior target his focus
    2. target the warriors target
    (3. focus your target (for macro2))
    but you will have to wait a little, till your char sees the updatet warrior target.

    A way to do this with to keybinds would be:

    Bind the following macro to one key (say 'i') on your warrior:

    /target [target=focus]

    And bind the following to another key (say 'u');

    Other Toons:
    for macro 1:
    /assist WarriorName

    for macro 2:
    /assist WarriorName

    this way, by first pressing 'i' waiting a short time then pressing 'u' you should accomplish your goal on a legal way..
    OLIPCS - ordinary life is pretty complex stuff
    Pala, Priest, Druid, Hunter, Mage
    Focusless Targetless Leaderless - Wiki
    HotKeyNet - Guide

  5. #5


    Use the various target options in cast instead. I /focus the party leader (and have a different /focus name for F1-F5 so I can swap party leaders in a second) and use the following:

    heal current leader:
    /cast [target=focus][] Lesser Healing Wave

    heal self:
    /cast [target=player] Lesser Healing Wave

    DPS current leaders target:
    /cast [target=focustarget][] Lightning Bolt

    focus = whoever is in the focus frame, the [] at the end means if no one is focused it'll cast on whoever your current target is, like normal (solo play, etc)
    focustarget = target of whoever is in your focus frame
    player = yourself
    party1 = party member 1, replace with 2-4 as needed (I generally don't use this at all, instead I prefer group AOE heal cast spells instead of having 5 buttons "wasted" on heal person1,2,3,etc)

    There are even more crazy things you can do like focustargettarget (who is the target of your focuses target?) but imo all kinda pointless and overly complex

  6. #6


    I was really hoping with Blizzard introducing the "official" focus frame that the follow would be possible

    /cast [target=focus-focus] <spell-name>

    but it doesn't seem possible at this time and I believe that it is intentional otherwise why wouldn't

    /cast [target=skull] <spell-name>

    also be a reasonable.

    Anyway I hope it becomes availabe in the future but don't count on it. The reason this is such an issue is that I run priest/shaman/druid with the priest healing and the shaman/druid caster dps. Targeting can get tricky if there is lots going on and my drones get the wrong target. I have added the following lines to help alert me when thing go wrong
    ... <Your DPS macro here> ...

    /stopmacro [harm]

    /w <controller> Targeting friendly %T!

    This lets me know most of the time.

    Priest - Druid - Shaman (80/80/80) Blackrock US

  7. #7



    You can't see anyones focus apart from the client that has the focus itself.
    Slowly crawling back towards the experience that is Multiboxing Mayhem

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Calgary, AB and Vancouver, BC
    Blog Entries


    Well, you need the person who has the focus to target their focus.
    From there, you can assist them to also target their focus.

    For heals, I really like this structure.

    #show Lesser Healing Wave
    /assist Tank --- usually have this line for boxing ---
    /cast [help] Lesser Healing Wave; [target=targettarget, help] Lesser Healing Wave

    So if whatever your active toon (usually the tank) is targeting is friendly, that gets the heal.
    If the tank's target is hostile, ie the mob you're trying to kill, the target instead hits the hostile's target.

    Almost all the time.. the set up is:
    Tank attacks --- > Mob
    Mob attack --- > Tank

    So your heal goes to the tank.
    But if the mob switches to someone who overnuked, your same heal key goes to whoever has the mobs attention.
    Which is usually the person who needs the heal the most.

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