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  1. #1

    Default Keymapping and Hotstringing QQ focusless leaderless targetless

    Could someone do me a favor and upload Their .kcl's or explain this in absolute idiot detail for me, because I cant for the life of my wrap my head around it.

    I know that there are generic and character specific keymaps, but where do the generic ones go?

  2. #2


    hihi, did you read the wiki?

    But to answer your question, you nowhere put the generic Keymaps, you need to define 5 (iv your five-boxing) seperate .kcl-files, one for each toon.
    OLIPCS - ordinary life is pretty complex stuff
    Pala, Priest, Druid, Hunter, Mage
    Focusless Targetless Leaderless - Wiki
    HotKeyNet - Guide

  3. #3


    so whats the generic keymapping for?

  4. #4


    hmm... don't know I have the time to answer all of this, but here is some.

    Normal broadcasting software sends the same key to all pc/instances of wow. You push '1' here and a '1' is sent to all the other computers/instances of wow running.
    Hotstrings allow me to push '1' here and have a something else appear everywhere else - like 'ctrl 1'.

    That would be the generic you are talking about. Generically pushing '1' here causes a 'ctrl 1' to show up everywhere else.

    Character specific would be in game macros. You would have the macro setup so that if they are called with '1' then this toon is casting it - if this macro is called with a 'ctrl 1' then it knows what toon called for it and will /assist them then /cast.

    So you have two things working together here. One is general - the keybroadcasting - is external to wow - it doesnt know anything about character names etc.

    The other is in-game macros - they know who called for the macro by the key sequence they recieved. (when box1 sends a 1 it is recieved by others at 'ctrl 1' and when box 2 sends a 1 it is recieved as 'alt 1' and this is how any other box knows if it was box1 or box 2 that called it - was it ctrl 1 or alt 1?


    Hotstrings can take a bit to wrap your head around.
    Think of seperate computers first - its easier to understand. Works the same way for multiple instances but for me, it was easier to think of seperate machines.

    Without hotstrings, when you push a key on this machine here that has keyclone on it - it sends a message to other keyclones, on other machines, to send their instances a key - be default the same key.

    With a hotstring we define a string that is sent when we push a button. So we could create a hotstring for when we push the 'x' key and we could call it box1pushedx or shorten it and call it B1PX. Now when we push x on box one instead of telling the other keyclones on other machines that we pushed 'x' we tell them we activated hotstring B1PX. Now that keyclone looks up its hotstring table to see what B1PX is supposed to be and it turns out we made it 'ctrl alt x' (completely arbitrary - we can make it anything we want)so this keyclone that received the hotstring B1PX will now send 'ctrl alt x' to the instance running on this machine.

    Now that this wow instance have received a keyboard input (from keyclone that received the hotstring B1PX) it activates the macro on the X key. That macro tests for mod keys (mod:ctrl,mod:alt, nomod:shift) and sees which box he should be assisting and then does.

    Thats all have time for this moment. If you look up my posts I posted my kcl files (ot two of them anyway and the template that I make the others from).

  5. #5


    Hil, Moddersunited,

    sry, i was so harsh in my fisrt post, but i felleing a little bit like explaining this over and over again.. ..sry.

    Perhaps i can help you, if i point out some examples / discussions about the ftl, and maybe you get all the infos you need:

    Example for 2 hunters:
    Focusless, targetless, 'leaderless' setup.

    An example how it might look in keyclone:
    Focusless, targetless, 'leaderless' setup.

    An answer, abot the names of the hotstring
    Focusless, targetless, 'leaderless' setup.

    PVE variant of the ftl, i used (till a week ago)

    Another dual.boxing example:
    Focusless, targetless, 'leaderless' setup.

    5-Shaman example from the wiki:

    basic keymapping tutorial:
    What exactly are hotstrings for?

    Very good example from Araketh:
    Focusless, targetless, 'leaderless' setup.

    FTL with HotKeyNet:
    [HotKeyNet] Leaderless setup with HotKeyNet

    hm, thats the examples / explanations i could drag together...
    ..are this any help?
    OLIPCS - ordinary life is pretty complex stuff
    Pala, Priest, Druid, Hunter, Mage
    Focusless Targetless Leaderless - Wiki
    HotKeyNet - Guide

  6. #6


    That was really helpful, im going to go tinker around and see what works

  7. #7


    hope you could get it working, if you have any more questiones feel free to ask!

    I included some of the examples i mentioned above in the iki to may be better help in understanding what to do, when to do....
    OLIPCS - ordinary life is pretty complex stuff
    Pala, Priest, Druid, Hunter, Mage
    Focusless Targetless Leaderless - Wiki
    HotKeyNet - Guide

  8. #8


    so your saying you cant use keyclone to key map only the HotKeyNet - and 3 of those links just sent me to general forums... ffs

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Calgary, AB and Vancouver, BC
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    You can use FTL with probably just about any boxing software.
    As long as it supports the equivalent of hotstrings/keymaps.

    If you can push 1 on a window, and have it send 1 + a mod key to the other windows/sessions.
    Then you can run FTL with it.

    The first FTL set ups were with Keyclone.
    I know you can do it with HKN too.
    I couldn't get it working with KC and have never used HKN.

    With IS Boxer, it uses the same method as KC, except its behind the scenes.
    That was a large selling point for me.
    Since FTL is really nice, but not that easy to set up.
    EverQuest I: Bard / Enchanter / Druid / Wizard / 2x Magician.
    Diablo III: 4x Crusader & 4x Wizard.

    My Guide to IS Boxer (somewhat dated).
    Streaming in 1080p HD:
    Twitter: @Ualaa

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