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  1. #1

    Default Heroic mechanar - stuff I wish I'd known

    Just a few short tips in case someone should be in a situation similar to mine (farming the crap out of heroic mechanar for a sun-eater for 3.0).

    1) Tinkerers are evil and annoying and must die. I had the hardest time on these, especially that pull right before capacitusl, until I figured out that their bombs have a delay timer, meaning that you can pull them with your tank, and focus fire them down while your tank runs around consecrating like a headless chicken. If you don't stay still you'll take minimum damage from the bombs.

    2) Destroyers are annoying and I'm chainhealing through these, but you can stun-interrupt the charging-fists effect, which helps a bit.

    3) Gauntlet is annoying too. Two waves consisting of each a bunch of mobs, a destroyer and another bunch of mobs. Be sure to be full mana/buffs etc before you pull the first wave. Conserve mana. Cast mana tide and use potion on your healer (assuming resto) around 40-50% mana. This is assuming you don't outgear the instance obviously. The second you kill the last mob of each bundle, drink/eat. If you need to, you can keep the last mob of the first bunch alive for a bit while you regen some mana, since the destroyer wont come until the last mob is dead.

    4) When you clear the gauntlet event you dont have a lot of time before the boss is on your ass - he'll come charging about 30 seconds after you kill the last wave. If you tank him far enough from the group you can simply get you dps up and burn him down since add won't get to the group and afaik they spawn based on time not his health percentage, so heroism+trinket+healer dps = win.

    This was my first heroic instance and I was actually surprised at how easy it was, probably due to the fact that I had wiped about 20 times on the 3rd boss of mgt normal before coming here.
    Classic - Pyrewood Village, Horde, EU

  2. #2


    Did Mech hero yeserday for the first time, and ye i went there for the suneater aswell, and got it , and i was suprised aswell how easy it was well i wiped on the fire elemental boss, i didet respect hir so i didet spred out in the first try, got hir to 2% anyway, so i gave it another go were i spred out and killed hir

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Fursphere',index.php?page=Thread&postID=127129#po st127129
    1) Charge the boss, dont' wait for him. If you wait, he'll spawn adds on his way too you.
    2) Blow all heroisms (or other cooldowns) before you engage. If he mind controls a Shaman and blows heroism, HE gets the buffed and that usually becomes an instant wipe situation.

    I can't remember if grounding totems play a roll in this fight or not.

    Did you do the 2nd boss, or just skip her?
    1) Usually I'll be near OOM after the 2nd wave so he ends up charging me before I'm full mana, but I'll give it a shot.
    2) I havent had any trouble wiping on the boss, only on the gauntlet event, but I've only done him four times so I might simply have been lucky.

    Definately skipped 2nd boss - does anyone know a tactic that would work for MB'ers now that you can't pull the elemental to the last boss room?
    Classic - Pyrewood Village, Horde, EU

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Fuzzyboy',index.php?page=Thread&postID=127197#pos t127197
    Quote Originally Posted by 'Fursphere',index.php?page=Thread&postID=127129#po st127129
    1) Charge the boss, dont' wait for him. If you wait, he'll spawn adds on his way too you.
    2) Blow all heroisms (or other cooldowns) before you engage. If he mind controls a Shaman and blows heroism, HE gets the buffed and that usually becomes an instant wipe situation.

    I can't remember if grounding totems play a roll in this fight or not.

    Did you do the 2nd boss, or just skip her?
    1) Usually I'll be near OOM after the 2nd wave so he ends up charging me before I'm full mana, but I'll give it a shot.
    2) I havent had any trouble wiping on the boss, only on the gauntlet event, but I've only done him four times so I might simply have been lucky.

    Definately skipped 2nd boss - does anyone know a tactic that would work for MB'ers now that you can't pull the elemental to the last boss room?

    Ill make a movie of the secund boss, give me a sec

  5. #5


    there's a simple trick to the gauntlet before last boss that makes it easy. Whenever you want, run to the elevator and down to the first floor, and it will "pause" on the wave you are on. So for example after the first four humanoids, you can run out and down, and after you exit combat you can drink and go back up and the robot will be up there ready for you to pull. You can do every wave or whenever you want. I haven't done heroic mech yet (hit 70 recently on my shamans, island dailies + brewfest is all I have time for but I used to do this when soloing all the time, when the group wasn't geared very well.

  6. #6


    I just did this with my recently turned 70 shamans, was pretty easy (skipped 2nd boss). My shamans have 500 spell damage or so (lol), just 1 piece of epic gear - the s2 weapons so far is all I've gotten. Some more tips, in additions to the ones above:

    - I found it very helpful to have one of my shamans be resto. in place of lightning bolt, I put healing wave rank 8 (cast on tank), so he was always healing the tank while others were spamming DPS. I use a prot pally, 15k hp unbuffed. earth shield is very nice too, I always kept it up.

    - kill netherbinders first, then healers, then melee

    - for demon packs, just kill the big guys first while pally aoe tanks the little guys. my rotation would be all cast lightning bolt, then all cast healing wave r10 on pally. he did drop quite low a number of times, but I didn't die on any of them and I killed every single mob in the instance except 2nd boss (didn't even try her, doesn't drop any loot I want and she sucks)

    - for first boss (capacitus), you can line up all your shamans around the west side stairs and near the elevators, spread them all apart. i put my healer on the back part of the stairs in the middle. my pally pulls capa and tanks him sitting in the middle ledge of the stairs, he gets hit by very few bombs this way. None of the shamans got hit by a single bomb. He does have a huge HP pool, and since the shamans are so spread out they don't get anyone elses totems, I should have dropped mana totems for all of them. Still wasn't too hard, just the last 10% took forever since everyone was oom (i used 2 of the "tk only" mana potions on the healer).

    - as I mention above, you can reset gauntlet every wave. I did this, and after last wave before boss (he did MC and summon one of my shamans, and instantly killed him, only death in heroic).

    - for boss I just popped all my fire elementals and went to town on him, chaining heroism. He went down pretty fast, he MC'd a couple ppl but it didn't last long and a few chain heals took care of it.

    I found it very easy, a lot easier than I thought it would be. A prot pally + 1 resto spec'd shaman really made it quick, I'm going to try and run this instance daily until at least the shammys are exalted.

  7. #7

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Ruodhaid',index.php?page=Thread&postID=127367#pos t127367
    Me vs heroic mech 1 pala 4 elemental shamans
    Oh my, you're a clicker! ;-)

    Nice video though, I didn't know that you could simply blast through Nethermancer Sepethrea, although it looks like you have better gear than I do (do you outgear the instance?). I'm usually at 10-15 pct mana after capacitus, looks like you were closer to 30. How much +dmg are you sitting at? I assume that you use fire resistance totem as well?
    Classic - Pyrewood Village, Horde, EU

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Fuzzyboy',index.php?page=Thread&postID=131254#pos t131254
    Quote Originally Posted by 'Ruodhaid',index.php?page=Thread&postID=127367#pos t127367
    Me vs heroic mech 1 pala 4 elemental shamans
    Oh my, you're a clicker! ;-)

    Nice video though, I didn't know that you could simply blast through Nethermancer Sepethrea, although it looks like you have better gear than I do (do you outgear the instance?). I'm usually at 10-15 pct mana after capacitus, looks like you were closer to 30. How much +dmg are you sitting at? I assume that you use fire resistance totem as well?

    Hehe when i box whit my paladin in front im a clikker on him, otherwise i dont click , and yes i outgear it alot im at 1024 sd + totem of the void, and my paladin is fully geared from kara/za/badges, nope i didet use fire resist totem

  10. #10


    Ok, I'll probably fail due to sucky gear but I'll give her a try with fire res aura and fire res totem before 3.0 breaks my dps completely. My spell damage is a lot lower than yours though - 730ish, but I'll try to see it as a challenge ;-)

    P.S. Er vild med dit guildnavn :P
    Classic - Pyrewood Village, Horde, EU

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