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  1. #1

    Default 5th Shaman or a PROT pally

    OK I have my team at 64 x5 elemental shamans and its pretty much a cakewalk at the moment though i havent really touched to many instances so far. shout i take a moment get a pally to 30 and gift him up to 60? Pros cons of 5th shaman vs prot pally?

  2. #2


    I like the ease of having all the same class, but I'm sure a prot pally would come in handy.

    Main - Lootdrone lvl70 Mage Bloodscalp 5box - Tioget, Tiodrone, Tioluv, Tiogriz, Tiobuzz q9450 - 4gb ram - 8800gt 512 - 400gb hd - 500gb hd

  3. #3


    Do it. But make sure you level that 5th shammy too.

    I'm levelling my 1 pally 4 shammy team in outlands now - but I have a hankering to have a 5th shammy for BG's and for max dps fun in instances.

    Whilst questing the pally does nothing, although for tough quests involving elites he will come in to his own.

    Even after RAF boosting in instances is patched I will have my pally to quick level any team up to ZF levels quicker than most other classes (other than a mage)

    I figure having the option of pulling in a tank for really hard heroics but still having that 5th shammy for the rest gives you the best of all worlds.
    Team: Feral Druid, 3 Ele Shaman, 1 Resto Shaman

    Gimp Team: 4 paladins(13) and a DK(80)
    Kierlay,kierlee,kieree,kierla and Karatesh

  4. #4


    That's funny because I was thinking the same thing. I'm leveling 3 sham now and was thinking of a Prot Pali for instances.
    5 80 BE Paladins (Ret)
    3 80 Orc Hunters
    1 80 Orc Shaman (Resto)
    1 80 Death Knight (Tank/DPS)

    80 Hu Death Knight DPS
    80 Hu Paladin (Tank)
    70 Hu Priest S2 (Disc)
    72 Dr Shaman (Resto)

    Tons of 60's Horde/Alliance

  5. #5


    I'm leveling my 5th shaman atm as well. She will be the healer for my 4 hunters and the 5th shaman for if and when i want to try that. Ill keep her resto though. But even resto shamans add some good dps when needed 8)
    Currently 5 Boxing 5 Protection Paladins on Whisperwind Alliance
    The Power of Five!!! ( short video )

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Fursphere',index.php?page=Thread&postID=120342#po st120342
    Quote Originally Posted by 'shaeman',index.php?page=Thread&postID=119650#post 119650
    Whilst questing the pally does nothing, although for tough quests involving elites he will come in to his own.
    1. Park shaman crew; drop totems
    2. Get pally on mount
    3. Run around (with crusader arua) and gather up a TRUCK LOAD of mobs. The more the better.
    4. run back to shaman team
    5. kill / loot

    Obviously this doesn't work for all quests, but for some its quite nice. Hammer of Justice and a simple macro (/cast [target=targettarget] flash of light) are also great tools for the paladin to use while questing.

    Blessing of Wisdom minimizes downtime (I never have downtime questing) and crusader aura alone is enough reason to bring a pally for getting around.
    AMEN! I use my paly to do SSO quest for my shamans and my original 4 70s. That crusader aura is the best! 8)
    Currently 5 Boxing 5 Protection Paladins on Whisperwind Alliance
    The Power of Five!!! ( short video )

  7. #7


    I'm currently leveling 5 shammies and see how it goes, I'm granting a lvl 1 paladin up along with the shammies in case I ever need a tank. (Just need to buy his gear and train weaponskills before I use him then )

    I guess having a pala is a nice backup of sort, but I'd like to stick to 5 equal classes for now

  8. #8


    I really enjoy having a pally along in my shaman group--1 pally/3 ele and 1 resto. A nice instance team. I play the pally seperately with no macro connections to the shamans. Tanking for me is like that I dont want too much happening on my opening tank m,oves until I get a bit of aggro. the dps and resto heals are linked though. Its really good to have a tank along imop and the buffs are great.

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