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  1. #1
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    Default 5.1 Hunter MM Macros and Setup

    Will always have most uptodate macros on this post,see date for update


    As the question has been asked,its a good question too..

    "Not trying to be rude but what does this have to do with multi-boxing?"

    I would hope this would help anyone solo or multiboxing people,these macros can be used across multiple toons,and i plan to use them myself on my 5 when they are leveled up,i also find for me its a help to get them up and running on 1 toon,then i'll know if
    they will work across the others.

    I do multibox myself and will hope to add some vids here sometime,if my post is not deemed right for the forum,i am ok if it needs to be deleted,my macros are unconventional,weird,messy things,but they work ok,or seem too,i am no expert,but i am just sharing this for any other mm hunters or may be interested..just to explain.


    Having been a long time player of BM spec,i have recently been giving MM a run through,and finding it quite good at the moment

    I am in the process of leveling up my other hunters,they are a little lower than my main 90,and so i have also been "testing" solo these macros etc

    So i can put them to use when i am 5 boxing.

    On this page i will share the talents,glyphs,macros etc that i am using a the minute,and show some of this in action..

    So before the wall of is 3 short videos showing the macros in action..

    Small disclaimer here..This is too show the macros in action,i am not too bad in pvp,but this isnt to show my skills or lack of skills,and i do realise that playing solo and playing 5 boxing is a different kettle of fish..i am hoping however that 5 times this ..could/should work at least in a similar fashion..

    Music in one of videos was'nt added post edit,was playing in background,best viewed in 720hd if you change the quality.

    In no particular order..

    Thats those out the way


    Narrow Escape - i like this because of the web trap when you disengage

    Binding Shot - just trying this at the moment,was previously silencing shot

    Exhilaration - for the added last minute 30% heal and 100% heal of pet

    Dire Beast - Thrill of the hunt is a nice option here too,but i like to see the enemy have something to think about when its beating on them

    Blink Strike - I like the instant damage,and its only on a 20 sec cooldown

    Glaive Toss - powershot i quite like( may get buffed in 5.2,would be nice to use it on the move,looks like at the expense of glaive toss)



    Marked for death - applies hunter's mark when you use arcane shot,kill command etc

    Glyph of aimed shot - Great to be able to use aimed shot on the move

    Glyph of Camouflage - Great to go stealthy when in trouble or to sneek to flag capture etc


    Glyph of aspect of the cheetah - mainly im in hawk aspect,but this glyphed no longer causes the daze effect

    Fetch - just for lazing looting

    No 3rd glyph yet


    I am trying to get full conquest malevolent pvp set,and have 6 pieces as of this post,the others are dreadful gladiator pieces

    I am mainly stat wise going toward crit and haste as my primary stats..

    Hit and expertise are at 3.25 and 3.41 so i have 0 hit on level 90's

    Gems and enchants are a mixture of pvp power and resilence,agilty etc..

    To see all the above and enchants gear armoury is here below


    If you have seen my BMhunter macros you will know what to expect.

    They are not pretty ,they may have multiple castsequences,drop through casts..they are big(hence bindpad)

    I have spent lots of time on dummies and in-game trying these out,and they do work..

    These are all the keys i use in combat,there are others but they are the usual mounting,etc type things..

    Name:  keyboardmacroscombat.jpg
Views: 334
Size:  53.2 KB

    Movement keys are W,S,A,D

    Main Macros

    *Please note most/not all these require "bindpad" the macro extender to use..

    MM Transcatt Macro - Mouse middle button - requires bindpad

    This macro is mainly a focus builder,but on its own it packs a punch once its up to speed,works well in pve and pvp situations

    I have 2 versions of this macro which i will post below and explain what is different about them


    /cast aimed shot!
    /castsequence reset=target serpent sting,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Steady Shot, Steady Shot,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Steady Shot 
    /castsequence reset=target blink strike,dire beast,aimed shot 
    /castrandom chimera shot,arcane shot,steady shot,tranquilizing shot,dire beast 
    /castsequence reset=120 Rapid Fire,arcane shot,arcane shot,Readiness,rapid fire 
    /use 13 
    /use 14 
    /cast aimed shot! 
    /cast kill shot 
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
    2nd version -- this is the one i am using a the moment

    /cast aimed shot!
    /castsequence reset=120 rapid fire,arcane shot,arcane shot
    /castsequence reset=target serpent sting,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Steady Shot, Steady Shot,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Steady Shot,steady shot
    /castsequence reset=target blink strike,glaive toss,dire beast,aimed shot,chimera shot
    /castrandom chimera shot,arcane shot,steady shot,tranquilizing shot,dire beast
    /castsequence reset=120 arcane shot,arcane shot,readiness
    /use 14
    /cast aimed shot!
    /cast kill shot
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
    Updated -- 1/1/2013

    Here is a video of this macro on its own used on the dummies


    The original version1 is the one used in the video.
    The reason there is 2 versions is version 1 works fine,but the rapid fire part of the macro i am not sure benefits the way it is
    positioned in the macro,and version 2 moving rapid fire higher up the macro and enclosing the macro,lower down with the second rapid fire and readiness..helped with a delay for the second rapid fire to fire off..
    to explain.when rapid fire goes off 1st version 2 it will tick for the whole of its 15 sec time,then readiness should go off,resetting the cooldowns and then rapid fire can fire off again...
    Also timed over time version 2 seems to put out more dps.

    Buff Macro key F - Bindpad required

    /cast rabid
    /cast rapid fire
    /cast widow venom
    /cast concussive shot
    /cast blink strike
    /cast dire beast
    /use 13
    /use 14
    /cast intimidation
    /cast furious howl
    /cast kill shot
    /cast aimed shot!
    /cast demoralizing screech
    /cast roar of courage
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

    Arcane Damage Macro key E - Bindpad required

    /castsequence reset=target arcane shot,arcane shot,arcane shot,arcane shot,arcane shot,arcane shot,arcane shot
    /castsequence reset=target tranquilizing shot
    /cast aimed shot!
    /cast blink strike
    /cast glaive toss
    /cast kill shot!
    /use 13
    /use 14
    /cast intimidation
    /cast smack
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

    Disengage macro key R

    /cast freezing trap
    /cast disengage

    PETSAFE macro key U - Useful if your pet gets carried away and goes running after people in the distance
    /cast Dash
    /cast Dive
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

    Masters call key H

    /cast deterrence
    /cast exhilaration
    /cast [target=missrobihood] Masters Call
    /cast master's call
    /cast [target=missrobihood] roar of sacrifice
    /cast roar of sacrifice
    /use healthstone

    Remove Snare etc key T just keybind for everyman for himself -human racial

    flare key J just a keybind for hunters flare

    Camouflage key G just a keybind for Camouflage


    Icetrap key F5 just a keybind

    Snaketrap key F6 just a keybind

    Explosivetrap key F7 just a keybind

    Freezingtrap key F8 just a keybind

    scattertry1 Macro key 5 that will scatter shot on first press,also casts trap launcher

    /castsequence [@mouseover,harm][harm] reset=3 Scatter Shot,Trap Launcher,!
    Freezing Trap
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
    Mendpet macro/mix key Q

    /cast mend pet
    /cast silencing shot
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
    Glaive toss/kill shot macro key C

    #showtooltip Kill Shot
    /castsequence reset=target/7 glaive toss,kill shot
    /cast chimera shot
    /cast furious howl
    /cast blink strike
    /cast glaive toss
    /cast kill shot
    /cast aimed shot!
    BEHIND1 Macro key . ( Instant view behind,press again to go normal view..)

    /script FlipCameraYaw(180);
    Traplauncher on/off

    #showtooltip ice trap
    /castsequence reset=3 Trap Launcher, ice trap
    /cast snake trap
    /cast explosive trap
    /cast freezing trap
    Method of attack

    To attack something enemy/mob..i spam at the buff macro key F,then change to the the arcane macro key E to get some damage,then switch to the mmtranscatt macro middle mouse button which will then rebuild focus..and repeat.


    The ui i use is called Garui ..mine is adapted..things moved about..

    link here

    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by honeypot2011 : 12-31-2012 at 11:25 PM

  2. #2


    Not trying to be rude but what does this have to do with multi-boxing?

  3. #3
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    Hi ticks

    No thats ok..i did mention if you read at the begining about the what it has to do with multiboxing,

    Also some people can use a solo macro to use across other toons they multibox with.

    I also say this is a testbed to see they work in solo,so i know they will work when i do my multiboxing..with 5 hunters

    And for any player solo or multiboxing they can have a try and see if they work for them too..


  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Ticks View Post
    Not trying to be rude but what does this have to do with multi-boxing?
    Ticks, not to be rude, but you may or may not have realized that some players, including myself, have come here for years looking for macros to use solo since rotation macros are severely discouraged on many other forums, and the folks who multi-box are generally quite good at and accepting of macros.

    My hope is that while some of us use these macros for solo purposes and others for multi-boxing, the sharing of what works and what does not as Blizz changes stuff is beneficial to both groups.

  5. #5


    Thank you Honypot! these work great on my "multibox" hunters!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ticks View Post
    Not trying to be rude but what does this have to do with multi-boxing?
    Not trying but succeeding....
    Currently 5 Boxing 5 Protection Paladins on Whisperwind Alliance
    The Power of Five!!! ( short video )

  6. #6


    nice setup and post.

    still think hunters are kite master then stand there most players just LOS me and do it from behind.......... as MM. when BM was better as the pets could do a good job.

    solo stuff works if you got a mixed group your going to need a single char setups.

  7. #7
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    Halabar,Lyonheart and Ebony Thankyou for you kind words

    I have updated the mmtranscatt macro version the main post above..nothing spectacular..but when i changed it..just copy pasted over the above macro.and i had a gap playing so not sure what i changed lol..

    But earlier in the day...i tried adding some chimera shots..made some nice dps gains..but costs more focus..added another steady shot and it seems to work ok.

    if you want to try it..just make the version 2 macro like this

    This is really for me a focus builder..but can be used on his own..seems to work pvp and pve..ok

    /cast aimed shot!
    /castsequence reset=120 rapid fire,arcane shot,arcane shot,chimera shot
    /castsequence reset=target serpent sting,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Steady Shot, Steady Shot,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Steady Shot,steady shot
    /castsequence reset=target blink strike,glaive toss,dire beast,aimed shot,chimera shot
    /castrandom chimera shot,arcane shot,steady shot,steady shot,tranquilizing shot,dire beast,chimera shot
    /castsequence reset=120 arcane shot,arcane shot,readiness
    /use 14
    /cast aimed shot!
    /cast kill shot
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
    Changed parts highlighted

    /cast aimed shot!
    /castsequence reset=120 rapid fire,arcane shot,arcane shot,chimera shot
    /castsequence reset=target serpent sting,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Steady Shot, Steady Shot,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Steady Shot,steady shot
    /castsequence reset=target blink strike,glaive toss,dire beast,aimed shot,chimera shot
    /castrandom chimera shot,arcane shot,steady shot,steady shot,tranquilizing shot,dire beast,chimera shot
    /castsequence reset=120 arcane shot,arcane shot,readiness
    /use 14
    /cast aimed shot!
    /cast kill shot
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

    I wish i could get kill shot to fire off by itself :P
    will keep trying,maybe not possible but im determined to keep trying lol

    thankyou again and happy new year..

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by honeypot2011 View Post
    Halabar,Lyonheart and Ebony Thankyou for you kind words

    I have updated the mmtranscatt macro version the main post above..nothing spectacular..but when i changed it..just copy pasted over the above macro.and i had a gap playing so not sure what i changed lol..

    But earlier in the day...i tried adding some chimera shots..made some nice dps gains..but costs more focus..added another steady shot and it seems to work ok.

    if you want to try it..just make the version 2 macro like this

    This is really for me a focus builder..but can be used on his own..seems to work pvp and pve..ok

    /cast aimed shot!
    /castsequence reset=120 rapid fire,arcane shot,arcane shot,chimera shot
    /castsequence reset=target serpent sting,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Steady Shot, Steady Shot,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Steady Shot,steady shot
    /castsequence reset=target blink strike,glaive toss,dire beast,aimed shot,chimera shot
    /castrandom chimera shot,arcane shot,steady shot,steady shot,tranquilizing shot,dire beast,chimera shot
    /castsequence reset=120 arcane shot,arcane shot,readiness
    /use 14
    /cast aimed shot!
    /cast kill shot
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
    Changed parts highlighted

    /cast aimed shot!
    /castsequence reset=120 rapid fire,arcane shot,arcane shot,chimera shot
    /castsequence reset=target serpent sting,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Steady Shot, Steady Shot,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Steady Shot,steady shot
    /castsequence reset=target blink strike,glaive toss,dire beast,aimed shot,chimera shot
    /castrandom chimera shot,arcane shot,steady shot,steady shot,tranquilizing shot,dire beast,chimera shot
    /castsequence reset=120 arcane shot,arcane shot,readiness
    /use 14
    /cast aimed shot!
    /cast kill shot
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

    I wish i could get kill shot to fire off by itself :P
    will keep trying,maybe not possible but im determined to keep trying lol

    thankyou again and happy new year..

    kill shot is a pain as when the target is that low on hp its dead anyway.

  9. #9
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    Couldn't fit this in main post as i ran out of space and did'nt reserve a post oops lol

    Has to do with do you hunter's handle your trap laying?

    my new way is this..

    on the F1,F2,F3 F4 = F1 Freezing trap , F2 Snake trap , F3 Explosive trap , F4 ice trap

    These are just pure keybinds,and i use the trap launcher to turn on/off the ring for positioning..which is great for the entrance to drek,between the towers to lay down some traps..but

    IF you get into a fight,and i'm kiting an enemy and i want to lay down a trap or two,behind me i don't want to be thinking about turning on/off the trap launcher.

    and thinking im laying a trap when really the damn green circle is popping on and off and i'm not laying a trap :P.

    Same thing when i'm in a fight and have to use the scatter shot macro.

    #showtooltip Scatter Shot
    /castsequence [@target,harm][harm] reset=3 Scatter Shot, Trap Launcher, !Freezing Trap
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
    which will turn on the launcher..too and if i did not notice it,again i'm spamming my traps and nothings happening apart from the old green circle.

    So now i have setup on F5,F6,F7,F8 separate macros that turn off the trap launcher if its on for some reason,and hey presto traps layed down without worrying

    The traps are in the same order as above but with this macro on each.with different trap of course.

    /cancelaura trap launcher
    /cast freezing trap

    So now F1 to F5 use the launcher and pressing the trap on/trap off

    F5 to F8 cancel the trap launcher no matter what and just let you place traps at your feet with out thinking if the launcher is on or off

    Probably theres is some kind of mod + alt shift way of doing this..but found the above way seems to work ok..

    How do you guys do it?
    Last edited by honeypot2011 : 01-06-2013 at 11:17 AM

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