Quote Originally Posted by Void View Post

is my talent setup.

15: Way of the Cobra seems to be more dps than the other 2 and cobra shot hits really hard so why not buff it some more

30: Stomp is also a huge dps increase especially when you grab your 2pc bonus from night hold. chimera and dire frenzy dont really match up imo

45: trailblazer for movement speed.

60: I swap between Bestial Fury and Bink strikes depending on the encounter. They are both solid choices though.

75: I use intimidation on round robin for troublesome mobs like beginning mobs in BRH that dot they put on you us brutal.

90: A murder of crows i have in my normal rotation trash don't live longer than 15 sec most of the time so 5m+ dmg over 15 sec and it resets if you kill the mob before it falls off. Its always up. I hear volley can be good but i like the single target dmg of crows.

100: Killer Cobra- this is where a lot of your burst comes from when you hit Bestial Wrath. Just cobra shot, Kill command over and over for huge burst.

Def get some tank pets in there and make sure you misdirect to them. This will help with your agro a ton.

Also grab an addon called pawn. It will tell you if items you get are upgrades for the spec you are playing. Helps taking the thinking out of it when you have 2 items that are close.

Hope this helps!
thank you man ill definitely use this, as for pets? what are good tank pets? I currently only have the 4 i told about